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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Wait what? last oneman with the current line-up??? Please tell me they wont lose any members?
  2. Thedane

    Darn it!
  3. Thedane

    YES! Jun! better become actual band, his creepy/epic bass skills are missed! ^^
  4. As far as i know, digital singles are download only, no physical cds... which sucks, having a file on your computer isn't as fun as having an actual cd.
  5. Thedane

    I'll point some fingers if they all of a sudden have some songs like "hysteric twilight" or "early voice" Very odd name, but as long as they keep their music great, i wont complain ^^
  6. Sorry but how can you make yourself throw those away? =o
  7. Thedane

    Aw this is sad... i really liked them )'=
  8. Ever since I read about Kyo's complaints about God (to give it a soft name so to speak) I stopped lstening to Dir en grey. I mean one can agree or disagree, believe or not believe in God, but that doesn't give us the right to cross the line whether it be about christianity, buddhism and/or any other beliefs. So is it safe for someone so concerned about this topic to get this material by Lin? You have the right to express your honest opinion, you can't blame the artist for criticizing a god, making fun about one or whatever the case is. It is your fault if you happened to be offended, nobody forced you to listen to the song. Since he/she isn't going directly towards YOU, but just religion in general, there's nothing to be offended about. Fine if religion is to be respected, no problem, but so should the right to speak of your mind. And if your mind isn't on line with the whole god thing, then so be it.
  9. Thedane

    I so wish i had their stuff, i can only find their 2 mini albums, which i better buy before they're gone. But their demo's.. god they're going to be though to find, especially that... is it a vhs or dvd? x'D Epic! The re-recorded version of awake is flawless... *hysteric fan mode activate!*
  10. Thedane

    It was never confirmed that it wasn't him in the first place, right? Oh snap.... you got a point there :S
  11. Thedane

    Sad to hear that, i had some hopes for them :/ Oh well, now they can add ex Gregory vocalist to the lineup.
  12. Thedane

    That's actually it... one of only two remaining bands from the Tokyo Visual Collection DVD to disband, only Tokami left. Seriously, i'm actually devastated... didn't see this coming at all, i had such high hopes for them ._.
  13. Thedane

    I'm so getting this, i have a feeling this will be surprisingly heavy.
  14. Thedane

    It's quite good for an SE. I hope they'll release something soon though.
  15. Thedane

    I think they actually did release something, but it was all live limited.
  16. Thedane

    Aw noo... so sad )=
  17. Thedane

    I think i actually managed to find a sample of 激情MISTAKE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boGkPtH49uY
  18. Thedane

    Omfg i'd love to hear Vemu sing those songs. His voice... wow xD The slipknot thing i have no idea how is, but the rest, just wow.
  19. Thedane

    Not too fond with reviewing stuff, but i thought this actually needed a review by someone who, sit tight, actually likes NEGA. Haven't read much positive things of this album. So let's spice it with some positive feedback. Vanitas Vanitatum - I'm not a se guy, i rarely pay attention to them, i know they're there for a reason, and to set the sort of "mood" but they rarely works for me. 2/10 Purgatory – Amazing. The NEGA i know and love, each member contributing into making this song a living harmonic beast, if that makes sense. Many have problems with Jin's vocals, which is fine, he is extreme after all. Yet he doesn't describe himself as a vocalist, but a vomiter, he vomits his feelings, which is what i find in NEGA's songs, a pile of emotions, hitting me all at once, creating a temporary reality, NEGA. Might have gone a bit too far here, but if there were any doubts, i liked the song. 8/10 Fable In The Cold Bed – Nothing to say about this song, really, it's masterpiece of a comeback song! 9/10 Goodbye Human – Bit odd i must add, but catchy with some pretty solid bass Ray (at least i think so) 7/10 Biran Yue’ni – Aww god, this is earcandy. I love a smoooooth intro, which then "vomits" emotions and feelings all over me. 10/10 V-Rock Is Dead – There's so much into this song. Not only are everything about NEGA gently massaged into it, it also take every aspect of a poor.. generic piece of *hit song, which a lot of bands recently produce like there's no tomorrow, and kills them. This is NEGA vs the generic world that is reality, NEGA is owning big time. 9,5/10 Tamerau Kotonaku Blank Wo Kizutsuketa Yubisaki wa – Smooth intro, which then kicks into a gentle headbanging part, which then turns back to the smoothness. Then it's mixed together, creating an odd feeling, shall i relax? headbang? Provoking attitude from NEGA at its best. A half ballad with a lovely heavy touch. Great! 7/10 Manashiki Sei No Guui Almost Equals Shi No Imi – This is... a decent attempt. The only song i just don't know if i like or not, not quite a ballad, but at times boring enough to be so. 6/10 Will – Quite okay ballad, at least the best of the 2 on the album. Not quite much of an impact like Reminiscence was back in the days, but i'm certain they'll be able to make something of equal epic proportions! 7/10 2012 – Good song that "opens you up" and makes your mind ready for the next song. 8/10 for successful mind manipulation Deluge – Da bomb! God i love this song. It's so brutal and heavy it's erotic! In order to avoid a creepy love story, here's 10/10, next song! Hindsight – This is a sad song, both the way it sounds, and the fact that it's on the album. Something is just meant to be live dist. never to see the light of a proper release. God this was boring. 2/10 Omnia Vanitas – SE... next! 1/10 Resonance – Well i had expected another boring dull hindsight... didn't expect an awesome kickass heavy piece of proper NEGA! I like my NEGA chilled, served like this! 10/10 bonus for making a proper finishing impact. Overall: This album shows their amazing talent as a band, and i hope there's more albums to come from NEGA, i wont lie and say i knew this was going to be great. I had my doubts, but they're looong gone now. NEGA, thank you for giving birth to this nightmare of epic value. VANITAS = 7,5/10
  20. Thedane

    Well since it was only limited to 100 copies (+ whatever will be sold as RARE LIVE LIMITED LEFTOVERS, BE QUICK TO ORDER) i assume they had to price it high, if it had to earn itself again, if that would even make it x'D
  21. Thedane

    Way to strike LIN! I hope they'll feel bad about releasing it like this, this is merchandising at its worst!... or finest? you get the message.
  22. Thedane

    Hm something girls aren't allowed to see? wtf? xD
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