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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    Crap, I need to watch the new SNL episode from Saturday night.
  2. Furik

    The band was not visual during the "Ryoujoku" photoshoots aside from Kyo wearing a top hat. As for the Grief photoshoots, the band wasn't visual either. Kyo wore a leather jacket (similar to their current look).
  3. Furik

    I use Mac OS X on all the laptops in my house. Also, iOS (for iPad).
  4. Furik

    Last time I checked, they were still signed to Face Music/Majestic Records. I believe Face Music is an independent label.
  5. Furik

    FUCK YES. Libra. And anything pre-Kuchiki no tou Enough said.
  6. Furik

    Reading last.fm, speculation that Xodiack has disbanded and Eros has started a new band called "Black Gene". http://www.blackgene.net/ Looking at Xodiack's official website, they have a show scheduled: NEW11月20日(日)!!ATTENTION!! 池袋BlackHole 「Disaster of BlackHole」 ONE MAN LIVE 開場:17:30 開演:18:00 前売り:3000 当日:3500 プレイガイド A:物販先行販売A1-(10/10公演より販売開始。お一人様一回3枚まで、シャッフル販売) B:ローソンチケット B1- Lコード:74031 (10/15販売開始) C:ブラックホール店頭販売C1- ※入場順A→B→C And their "last gig"? NEW12 月30 日(金) 池袋Blackhole BlackHole 2011 FINAL GIG OPEN 11:30 / START 12:00 前売 \3500 / 当日 \4000 出演:FEST VAINQUEUR/ベルベット/Lycaon/DIAURA/AUBE/Para:noir/MoNoLith/LuLu/SCAPEGOAT/MEJIBRAY/DEPAIN/ギャロ/BLOOD/Luzmelt/XodiacK/DEZERT 【チケット発売】 先行:10/22(土) 発売 ローソンチケット(L コード:76967/A1-) 一般:10/23(日) 発売 イープラス(B1-) / BlackHole 店頭販売 (15:00~21:00/C1-) ※入場順:アルファベット順 【問い合わせ】 BlackHole TEL:03-5955-7396(15:00~21:00) I don't know what to make of it but since there has been rumors regarding Xodiack disbanding for quite a while, I wouldn't doubt it.
  7. Furik

    ROSARIO - I don't see the Different Sense comparison at all. I know back when Sadie first came out, people were comparing them to Dir en grey really hard but they turned out to hold on. Anyway, i'm kind of disappointed with this song. The verses are good, the chorus is good but nothing really grabs my attention. Plain but not horrible. 6/10 Suicidal Rock City - First thought? Vortex at the beginning. A lot. The problem with Sadie is that their b-sides are so average. This seems to be a problem with a lot of "vk indie" bands. They just don't do it for me. But Mao's growling is amazing. 5/10 Break the silence - This is it. The best song on the single. Gorgeous. It's a typical ballad like song but.. it's better than the rest of the songs on the single. 6/10 All in all, a plain single. I was expecting a lot more after 'Cold Blood' but i'm just happy Sadie is listenable again! I was worried about them after Master of Romance.
  8. Furik

    Thank you all for the positive feedback! The EP is downloadable: http://www.mediafire.com/?lr2hl7qpxt5gjqh
  9. Furik

    Any news on this band?
  10. Furik

    http://www.vside.com vSide is an Internet based 3D virtual world launched on May 15, 2006. The game is currently in its public Beta phase. Initially developed by Doppelganger, Inc., a studio founded in 2004, the game was acquired in June 2009 by ExitReality, Inc., which is the current owner and developer. Inside the game's universe, users are called "vSiders" and can interact with each other through social networking, celebrity entertainment, boutique shopping and self-expression. Membership is free. I don't know why I've ever talked about this place. It's kind of like.. Second Life or something like that. But it's "trendy" and theres clubs you can dance shit to and stuff. I dunno. Try it out, it's fun. Here's my profile: http://www.vside.com/app/profile/user/Gun/
  11. (CBS/AP) A paralyzed man from Pennsylvania put his new thought-controlled robotic arm through its paces recently, using it to reach out and touch his girlfriend's hand. "It wasn't my arm but it was my brain, my thoughts. I was moving something," said Tim Hemmes, 30, who became a quadriplegic seven years ago after a motorcycle accident. "I don't have one single word to give you what I felt at that moment. That word doesn't exist." Hemmes - whose emotional moment came during a month-long experiment at the University of Pittsburgh - is among the pioneers in an ambitious quest for thought-controlled prosthetics. The ultimate goal is to give paralyzed people greater independence - the ability to feed themselves, turn a doorknob, hug a loved one. The robotic arm is considered the most humanlike bionic arm to date - even the fingers bend like real ones. It's controlled by electrical signals from tiny brain electrodes implanted into the brain. More
  12. Furik

    ^ was wondering the same thing Satsuki's solo stuff is hit-and-miss but I always end up checking it out, so. I'll do the same for this new single.
  13. Furik

    They are currently in the studio with Michael "Elvis" Baskette who produced their self-titled and ITBOAE. http://yfrog.com/h6g1vgdj http://yfrog.com/nv4fjovj
  14. Furik

    These are the tweets that people are talking about: 【リリース情報①】 来年1月にnew album発売決定!! 10月からアメリカでレコーディングに入ります!! 【リリース情報②】 更に欧米リリースも決定!! 「In the blink of an eye」の北米リリースも決定death !!
  15. Furik

    FACT will be releasing a documentary titled "a life of fact". fYbbQlcWqHo Also, I don't know if it's confirmed or not but there's discussion that the band will be going into the studio this month for a new international release set for Q1 2012.
  16. Furik

    As much as I love brq, i'm pretty sure these singles will show a drastic change in style. Judging from their over-the-top oshare looks (which we've never seen them like that before), their music might turn out like AnCafe. Just my opinion, again it's way too early to make such assumptions but just a thought I had. Either way, i'm totally excited. As for them being on S'CUBE again, I wonder why? Are they starting back as an indie band? I wasn't aware they were dropped from Sony.
  17. Furik

    madygrain +1 liebeskummer: "mainstream visual"? They are pretty much one of the earliest examples of "oshare" and how could they change into this "mainstream visual" considering they were major before they disbanded?
  18. Furik

    Ex-CEO and co-founder of Apple has died. Http://www.apple.com I think he knew he was dying which was whyche stepped down this summer. Really sad.
  19. Holy crap, so the whole band is pretty much in for recording his solo album? And tell me why DELUHI decided to call it quits again? Because this makes no sense at all. Anyway i'm excited and to here Sujk's vocals. Just wondering if わっちゃの左フック will be his only vocal song and if Juri will contribute vocals.
  20. Furik

    It's like Stacked Rubbish, a lot. It seems like - if they continue with future albums, it'll be like this: DISORDER (heavy), NIL (experimental), STACKED RUBBISH (heavy), DIM (experimental), TOXIC (heavy), 2013 album (experimental) Anyway, i'm seriously pleased with this new album. I know a lot of people hated Stacked Rubbish but I liked it. You can't compare this album to the likes of NIL and DIM. (On a sale of 1-5) INFUSE INTO - 5 VENOMOUS SPIDER'S WEB 5 SLUDGY CULT - 3 RED - 5 THE SUICIDE CIRCUS - 5 (!!!!!!!!) SHIVER - 4 MY DEVIL ON THE BED - 2 (So disappointed how this song turned out.) UNTITLED - 4 (Really good! Their only ballad/like song that caught my attention off-guard and I enjoyed it!) PLEDGE - 2 RUTHLESS DEAD - 5 PSYCHOPATH - 4 VORTEX - 5 TOMORROW NEVER DIES - 5 OMEGA - 3 (Sounds more like an Interlude than an outro. My only vice.) What I like about this album is the lack of skipping tracks. This album has a record of pretty much playing the whole album without hitting the << or >> buttons every few tracks. Finally, the singles were surprisingly good this time around.
  21. Furik

    KEEP HOPE ALIVE - capsule What is the first thought in your mind when you wake up?
  22. ZNdV76hIiuM Severely hearing impaired since birth, Sarah Churman had long managed to cope in a world where sounds came as if they were under water. But now, a surgical implant lets her hear her own voice, the sounds of birds singing, her two daughters chattering — and her husband snoring. “Yeah, that I didn’t listen to very long!” Churman told Matt Lauer on TODAY Monday as she recounted her first full week in the world of the hearing. The pretty, 29-year-old Texan has became an internet sensation, thanks to a video taken by her husband, Sloan, as she heard her voice for the very first time last week. In the video, Sarah becomes overwhelmed with emotion, covering her mouth and bursting into tears, as she first hears herself talking. “I don’t want to hear myself cry,” she says and then laughs as she turns to her husband. More -- I cried.
  23. Furik

    It sounds pretty good. I like how the guitars take part in the normal synthesizer buildup of a rave banger.
  24. Furik

    Update since it's later in the year: blink182 - Neighborhoods capsule - World of Fantasy Chase & Status - No More Idols EAT YOU ALIVE - The world is mine lynch. - I BELIEVE IN ME Nero - Welcome Reality Zomboy - Game Time
  25. Furik

    Those are your problems there. But in all seriousness, give it another try.
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