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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    Fuck. This year sucks for disbandments and hiatuses. I didn't like their new album but I knew that with it being self produced and stripped unlike their precious albums, they weren't going to last much longer. So I guess in a way I knew deep down that they were either going to call it a day or take a break. Sucks because they were so talented.
  2. Furik

    I need to see them live. Omg. I'd be a drunken mess.
  3. Furik

    Merry has a heavy collection of jazz-like numbers all throughout their extensive catalog.
  4. Furik

    Layout does indeed look really nice. However, it also looks like a carbon copy of the Spotify UI. Also, a bit of the new Grooveshark layout too. I also have a question. I haven't subscribed to last.fm since 2012. Is is still worth subscribing too? I know they don't have radio anymore and really the only thing I think is worth subscribing for is the Labs.
  5. Or they just had ridiculously high expectations from the start.
  6. Furik

    Omg it's happening!! More lives!!
  7. Oh god, this isn't good.. (All the bands I like are going on "hiatuses"...)
  8. Furik

    I hope they forgot that Beautiful Deformity ever happened and Dogma will be decent.
  9. help. im 15 years old again. im listening to do as infinity.

    1. Des


      Embrace your inner 15 year-old self. It's okay.

  10. It would've been a nice live to see at the least.
  11. Furik

    The only "underrated" album that comes to mine, in my opinion, would end up being MUCC's "6" album. It wasn't a breakthrough album or anything spectacular by any means but it was defining in a sense that it harkened back to their darker heavier sound after releasing the lighter "Hoyoku" not even half a year earlier. Months later they would release the acclaimed (by fans anyway) "Gokusai". I love "6" to death and was so pleased with it when it came out. I did not like "Hoyoku" at all. I remember it came out (Hoyoku) during the fall of my first semester of college and I only listened to it like once and.. that was the only listen to this day. I was expecting something along the lines of "Kuchiki" or something earlier. Nope. So 6, to me, is a great underrated album. When people talk MUCC, they always mention the following Kuchiki no tou, Shion or Homura Uta. I believe people usually forget "6" due to it being released so shortly after Hoyoku and is quickly forgotten because months later Gokusai came out. So, to me it's a pretty underrated release and is easily one of my favorite releases from the band. It has darker songs like Kukyo no Heya (which has a great intro extends the fantastic 6 intro before it) and the incredibly melodious Akai Sora. Haribote no Otona is also a fantastic track that harkens back to their older sound with a great build up and breakdown in the middle of this track.
  12. Furik

    Reviving this thread. I've had my fair share of pets (on page 3). However, I realized I never posted pictures of my dog Chu Chu. She was born in mid March of 2009. I adopted her when she was 3 weeks old. Here she is at 6 months. And 6 months. At 9 months. Present time...
  13. Furik

    I always miss the times when registration opens. I'll never get the chance to play this game anytime soon, lol
  14. Furik

    Someone recommend me a good online game for my PC. It can be a social game or an RPG. I don't care. I'm just bored out of my mind on my days off of work and need something to do. Ok, go!
  15. Furik

    I joined the forum when it was TW back in 2007 when Rentrer end Soi's "The bottom of chaos" came out and it was posted on there.
  16. That's kind of harsh. 'Rosario' is a really good song if you take the time to listen to it. Also, Rosario was indeed released before 12012 even released their self-titled. As for the first song on the trailer, I don't remember what it's called but I do know it was the intro track for their Master of Romance album.
  17. Furik

    Maybe I'm just a Tenten Stan but I am enjoying MBHI a lot. They are not as diverse as Chemical Pictures but still out there in terms of the heavy songs and acoustic melodies. I really hope this band stays around for a while. It was a shae when Chemical Pictures disbanded because they were pretty much perfect but this band sounds more like KuRt which was my one dream.. For them to reform. This band will do though.
  18. Furik

  19. Maybe it's BLAAS. Maybe they like bread.
  20. Furik

    RIP Miyavi 2002-2008
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