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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Will test it out in a few. Not sure how I feel since last few singles weren't great but I feel they are more of an album band anyway. Edit: The link is legit.
  2. I am trying to make this as serious as possible, no trolling or joking. Any members have any physical or mental disabilities that they are comfortable with sharing or talking about? The reason I post this is because earlier last week I was diagnosed SSD (single sided deafness). It was sudden. For the past two to three weeks I could not hear out of my left ear. It was bothering me. I went along with it for a while but finally decided to make doctor appointments. They flushed out both of my ears maybe due to blockage but everything was normal. Finally, I talked to an audiologist and they tested both of my ears. They diagnosed me as a case of sudden single ear deafness. I have a few more appointments next month to go over other options.
  3. In continuation of my post, here's a good article on what I was trying to get at. http://www.yourtango.com/2015279743/todays-relationships-we-cheat-each-other-every-day
  4. I don't understand. That's posted by MBHI bassist. Who's the other members performing?!
  5. Furik

    I'm 6 episodes into Death Parade? (Dead Parade) Can't remember what it's called.
  6. Furik

    Is it just me or can you not view the shoutboxes archive on artist pages?
  7. Furik

    plug.dj was a joke anyway compared to TT.fm.
  8. Furik

    This is a very interesting thread. I got into Dir en grey when Macabre came out in 2000. I randomly downloaded some of their songs on Napster not knowing who or what they were. (Not to mention they were the band that got me into visual music.) Since then, I have been a fan. I will have to say, despite their earlier days being full of nostalgia, I enjoy their career in full. Every release has been something different and somewhat of a surprise. I loved how dark Macabre was and I eventually backcatalog'ed Gauze and loved it too. Kisou was extremely dark and I loved the constant industrial elements in the album. It was't until Vulgar that I truly knew that I loved this band. I was constantly researching them and following their every move with new singles (thanks to then other j-rock forums). Every release I was expecting something heavier and hoped the band would cross over to the States (as promised in the Vulgar booklet). As much backlash the band gets, I am not ashamed to say they got me into Japanese music a lot (them and Mad Capsule Markets). Like I said, I enjoyed every release so far (maybe not so much DSS) but it's fun to see what they come up with in each album. Gauze and Macabre were pretty typical for visual bands of the time but Kisou was very experimental and full of electronics and industrial touches. Vulgar was their foray into a more modern almost heavier rock (thanks to my all-time love six Ugly). WTD was their way breaking into the hipster scene-emo rock. and so on. I'm rambling. I just want to say I can't break the band down into two categories. They are very diverse and the band is still the same band they were in the early days. Just, each album is different and that's what makes them special.
  9. Furik

    In b4 Dir en grey posts.
  10. Furik

    lol @ the I'll troll. That was gold.
  11. Furik

    At least they are honestly working on the website rather than leaving it in the dust after the revamp. So, kudos to them!
  12. Furik

    The only song I liked was the first song. I really wanted to like the album but I miss the emotional screaming of Oli from the last two albums.
  13. Furik

    Para:noir > D.I.D. tbh but I'll take what I can get.
  14. I do not. I read an article yesterday about how the newer generation of youth do not even know what love is. The 80s and 90s babies have been brainwashed, so to say, with what love even is. The media's portrayal of love has obviously been poured into a seismic swamp. The Snapchat children send dick pics thinking that'll attract someone to bang. That's not love. I've hand a handful of meaningful long relationships that have lasted more than a year at a time but the constant dread of being cheated on (or me cheating on them) ultimately take tolls. No one has security and trust anymore and I ultimately cannot believe in true love. Not in this day and age anymore.
  15. Furik

    The only song I continue to listen to on the EP is Unknown Depsair a Lost just because the intro is groovy AF.
  16. Furik

    Undecided has always been my favorite DEG song. I wish the unplugged version was good but it just so rough to listen to. It's not good.
  17. Furik

    Deeper Vileness is one of their better tracks. Honestly pretty much anything on MOAB is good in my opinion. Such an underrated album.
  18. Furik

    I'm currently watching Parasyte. Just finished episode 13.
  19. Oooh, I'm interested. I enjoyed their one single so far.
  20. Furik

    *Born Damn autocorrect.
  21. Furik

    I hate the name of their last live. "Blurb to be Dead". Not to mention their last show is "coda". This doesn't sound good. So much organization went into their last few shows. I have a feeling they aren't going to come back. ?
  22. Furik

    It's fucking good. After all these bands releasing lackluster albums, Atreyu was able to honestly pull off a good one in the same style of "The Curse" and "Death Grip". It's not ground breaking at all but it's a good solid album that will please all of our teenage memories.
  23. So, they are going to be the next FACT for a while and then disappear from the States after one album? ?
  24. I'll just say this - with Exodus EP they were able to prove they still had a backbone. Gallows was a good companion release. With this album, it sounds like they are going to give it their all and release something that truly sounds like "lynch." Just judging from the previews, this sounds outstanding, fun and very diverse.
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