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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    So they made past shoutbox comments active again. Thank god. On user pages and artists pages. Now, all we need are groups again!
  2. Their name lost world fits them because those outfits, honey, are just bad. They are like a vintage thrift store bad. And the vocalists eye makeup is too similar to Mako of deadman. Too soon, pino. Too soon. Music wise its typical.
  3. Furik

    ^ He's super excited. Who wouldn't be?
  4. Furik

    That encore though. ?
  5. I like the band name.
  6. Furik

    Other bands aren't affected by Lycaon's "blow" because they aren't calling it a day. ?
  7. Furik

    Here my desktop. Plain and dull. haha
  8. Furik

    Sorry for such a quick post after my last. Just feelin' myself today.
  9. Furik

    I just want to chime in and say that it's hit or miss with direct links from Google. Sometimes I have no problems clicking them and there are times where they redirect me to a link but it never fully loads due to ad-blocking software.
  10. Furik

    Yup, it works now!
  11. Furik

    I thought I'd address this because I didn't last time when it was broken but it seems the chat on mobile (as far as I know, not sure about desktop) isn't showing up. I've attached a picture of what I see.
  12. They're really going all out on this release. That's not a good sign... ?
  13. Furik

    I've never heard of tinnitus before until about a week or two ago. I wonder how much different the disorder is compared to normal ringing? The ringing you hear when you concentrate and are really quiet and you hear the ringing?
  14. Furik

    They sound nothing like Slipknot. If anything, they sound like old Her Name In Blood which is a good thing.
  16. Please, please listen to Janne da arc. They were an absolutely incredibly band. I recommend Another Story and Arcadia (I believe it was called).
  17. Furik

    deadman > Deadman Walking
  18. Furik

    nu-girugamesh Excited.
  19. I hate the vocals but good damn the guitar and bass work is amazing. So much more promising than the previous single. Maybe this band will be my new Alsdead.
  20. Only liked 1:30 onwards but typical lynch. song. Not golden but still good.
  21. Furik

    Only care for 2000-2006 tbh
  22. Furik

    Some other minor troubles: I was diagnosed anemic in August. I have an iron and Vitamin D deficiency which is probably due to my vegetarian diet over the past years. It's manageable with supplements. I was also "diagnosed" color blind at a young age in elementary. It's not that troublesome as I've become accustomed to the colors I see daily and obviously the colors I do not. Now a days its a joke with friends when I pick something up thinking its the color I see and its not. All humor asaide, I'd like to see the world the way its intended so maybe in the future I will. As for my deafness in my left ear, I'm not sure if its permanent or not - judging from the doctors evaluations. Only time will tell. My next appointment is October. It's bothersome because I have to hear music and the world around me in mono. Thank you all for sharing so far. It's really nice to see members here also are not "average" so to say and its very warming and welcoming hearing your stories. Pretsy, I hope you don't take offense to this but I have a question for you. I am glad to hear you are doing so well! But if syndrome worsens (which judging by your post doesn't look possible), what would happen? Would you have to use a cane or a wheelchair of some sort? For the members with dyslexia, its always intrigued me (not in a weird way, just curiosity). What keeps you from learning a new language? Is it with concentration? Or attempting to decipher different letters? I am not that knowledgeable with dyslexia.
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