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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    I miss this band more than anything.
  2. Furik

    The whole album is dark. The atmosphere is dark, the lyrics are dark (with the exception of LOVE IS DEAD and FINAL CALL). The album concept is dark. To argue that is ridiculous. Wow, you're being serious..
  3. Furik

    Pretty heavy? In my honest opinion, I found it was pretty weak compared to their previous three albums in terms of heavy.
  4. Furik

    It's better than Redeemer, i'll give it that but it is nowherre near Coll:Set and Mirror. So glad the album didn't have a "Brilliant" and "Horizon". I'll try not to be critical here as I still love this band.. just not as much. BUT i'm coming to terms with them never making another Coll:Set and/or Mirror. This is probably their new direction so i'm getting used to it. Human-clad monster: 5/5 Intense all around. DEATH POINT: 5/5 Everyone knows this song by now. 13 -Thirteen-: 5/5 Amazing new style of drumming. LOVE IS DEAD: 4/5 Great song but Hizumi ruins it in the chorus, so.. no 5/5 DEVIL'S PARADE: 4/5 Chorus sucks dope: 5/5 Fucking incredible. FALLING: 3/5 Drums are great but, yeah, that's about it. PROGRESS: 3/5 Decent but just a filler. FINAL CALL: 3/5 Wait.. a Horizon?! Wait, no this is Squall.. abyss: 2.5/5 The redeeming (no pun) jewel on this album. I'm lying. Coll:Set>MIRROR>MONSTERS>REDEEMER
  5. Furik

    I'll post with my full review after i'm done listening. Just made it halfway into DEATH POINT.
  6. Furik

    Not surprised either but pretty disappointed since they were decent.
  7. Furik

    So excited. Huge fan of the old movie. Hope Legacy lives up to it but with Daft Punk behind the score, i'm pretty sure that won't be a problem.
  8. I really like "SHADOWS" now.
  9. My life long goal if I was a Japanese musician would be to make it big outside Asia so I could make twice as much. Just saying.
  10. Furik

    So it's just a damn compilation EP? Really? Is this necessary?
  11. http://www.last.fm/user/Furik
  12. Furik

    Not surprised.
  13. What the fuck are they doing?!
  14. I can't find a good biography. Current Members: John LaFreniere - Vocals (2003-) Jordan Milner - Guitars, Backing Vocals (2003-) Sara Loerlein - Guitars, Female Vocals (2009-) Jared Sloan - Keyboards (2009-) (Nethereal, Gothic Knights) Julian Parker - Bass (2009-) (Pictures of Winter, Bruit Vert / Big Mac) JP Andrade - Drums (2009-) (At Rest, Skies Devoured, Death by Names, Windfaerer, Grimus) Past Members: Guitars: Patrick Allers Ian van Opijnen Patrick Lynch Bass: Brian "Ren" Varney (Rose Funeral) Drums: Dan Jones Chris Sansone (The Way of All Flesh, Creation (USA)) Keyboards: Alana Potocnik (2008-2009) (Abigail Williams, Winds of Plague, The Story of Five White Antlers) Dialog Analysis for the Heartless EP, 2003 Demo Demo, 2004 Demo 2005 Demo, 2005 I Am Legion Demo, 2006 In Waking: Divinity Full-length, 2008 Odyssey (un)Dead Full-length, 2010
  15. Furik

  16. Furik

    With a name like Duality, it better be good.
  17. Furik

    This months sucks.
  18. Have fun! And you know you don't hate me
  19. Furik

    Kyo's reaction is heartbreaking...
  20. Furik

    Dying the Heath Ledger way.
  21. Furik

    My only hope is that users on the internet will give as much recognition to Daisuke as they did with Jasmine You. He was around longer than the latter mentioned and deserves it.
  22. Furik

    You thought DETOX was bad? It was one of my favorite singles.
  23. Furik

    There goes my hope for a kagerou reunion. How did he die? He couldnt've been too old. This is saddening news.
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