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fitear1590 last won the day on July 29 2021

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About fitear1590

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    Hizaki's Weave
  • Birthday 01/05/1990

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  1. I know I'm years late, but I noticed Sailor Moon Crystal was on Hulu, so I started watching it recently. I kind of love it?! I only casually watched the 90s series. It's of course a classic, but I could never bring myself to watch every single episode, because of the tedious "monster of the week" structure and the absolute milking of transformation/attack animation sequences. This remake, which I hear follows the manga much more closely, has much better pacing, a more serious tone, and a lot more variety when it comes to attacks. Some cheap CGI and nothing beats the original music, but overall, a really worthy remake, imo!

    1. platy


      I re-watched all of the original a couple of years ago. It was 80% awful , but the few episodes that actually told a story/had character development were very good! 

      Sailor Moon Crystal does follow the manga very closely which is great, however the animation is so bad. The characters have been stripped of any emotion, personality or charm and they just look like Barbie Dolls which is a huge shame. I enjoyed watching it regardless. Btw the second season improves even more This is also the same evil that cardcaptor sakura is suffering in the latest rendition of the series. Super flat animation/Expressionless characters. 

    2. Mamo


      Unrelated but I've found myself recently watching a lot of classic anime such as Yu Yu Hakusho and Fist of the North Star. Love Sailor Moon btw although I don't like that hulu has sub, I prefer Sailor Moon dub I guess just because it gives me more nostalgia.

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