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Everything posted by visualkeigirl

  1. visualkeigirl

    Wow... I hope that the members are able to find other projects. This is one of the newer bands that I absolutely loved. I just wish that we got a full length album from them.
  2. visualkeigirl

    Shortening always gives hair that puffiness that look wonderful on some people (you, and just a few lucky ones of all the girls I've met lol), or look horrible on others (including me >.<) No, my hair is not straightened with an iron in that picture. When my hair was long I use to be able to blow dry my hair straight. My hair was like down to the middle of back. So the weight just pulled it straight. Aww thanks. And I know how hard short hair can be to pull off. Had a very bad hair cut when I was younger and I was so scared to get my hair cut this short. I LOVE how it has turned out now. And anyone can wear short hair, it just depends on how you have it cut and layered. My ahir is very layered now, which is what give me the puffiness that I have.
  3. visualkeigirl

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 I don't really play games but I love the FF series.
  4. visualkeigirl

    Hmm that is not that bad at all. I hope that Alexander has a successful solo career. I just got into these guys through Tick Tack because of a friend and I am going to have take back me always saying that KPOP being shit.
  5. visualkeigirl

    The thing is Obama doesn't have as much control as people think that he does. He only sees a fraction of the bills that the Senate and Congress propose. He is pretty much a figure head most of the time. The only really big bills go across his desk. So, you can't blame him for everything that happens in the country. And there are also things that are going on in our government that he doesn't even know about. And the excuses for him not knowing everything is the fact it would take too long to explain and these things have been going on for so long that there is no need for him to worry about it. And another thing is that the President have to clean up the messes of the Presidents that were before them. That in itself tends to make a bigger mess. So in fact you can not fault just blame one President but the past probably 3 Presidents. It is also hard for Obama right now being a Democrat with a predominant Republican Senate/Congress.
  6. visualkeigirl

    U-Kiss - Tick Tack (Japanese Debut)
  7. visualkeigirl

  8. visualkeigirl

    I have no water until further notice and I can not go anywhere to take a shower.
  9. visualkeigirl

    My in my Bleach school girl outfit [Old] Another picture back when I had long hair When I first got my hair cut back in April Me with my glasses on [Taken in May] Current hair cut Newest pic of me [Taken sometime in either September or October] Ignore the fact that all these were taking in Bathrooms. That was the best lighting that I could find in my apartments.
  10. visualkeigirl

    9/10 Very cute drawing
  11. visualkeigirl

    It is not that. I just wish that they would put out more music. I Love Lin compared to Chariots.
  12. visualkeigirl

    Glad to know that they are not disbanding, but it is a little upsetting that there is only one new song on the album. I think that I am going to skip getting the album and just get the DvD.
  13. visualkeigirl

    So can not wait for this to come out. And Justice, hmm. Sounds like it is going to be interesting.
  14. visualkeigirl

    Check out Cosmos as well, Masa. There is not that much autotune in it, save a couple of spots.
  15. visualkeigirl

    Gee thanks Masa. >.> You make it sound like a bad thing that you already know me. =^.^=
  16. visualkeigirl

    A bigger D fan than Haunted Jealousy? Also, welcome visualkeigirl! That's true! I've been into them for about 1,5 years and been through my overly obsessed period, but yeah, I'm still the idiot that buys a lot of their stuff and keeps supporting them and pretty much posts incredibly big compliments under all of their videos. I've been listening to them since 2008 lol. =^.^= Birth was the first song that I heard by them. And I am still obsessed with them to this day. Not something that you grow out of. Also thank you Yasuhiro. I figured it was time to make an account after stalking here for a couple of months. lol
  17. visualkeigirl

    These are in no order. DIR EN GREY - DUM SPIRO SPERO D -Vampire Saga Kiryu - Mugen Houyou the GazettE - Toxic Lin - Independent "MAZE" Alice Nine - Gemini Shiki Project - Kureha Kagrra, - Hyakki Kenran
  18. visualkeigirl

    Amaryllis was one of the best songs that I have heard by them so far. The rest of their music is hit or miss with me. A 21g meaningless existence was not bad, but at the same time it blurred together on me. I hope that they continue with the direction that they started with Amaryllis.
  19. visualkeigirl

    Hell Cherry pie or Apple pie?
  20. visualkeigirl

    Yes, depending on the person. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  21. visualkeigirl

    16:37 Boston, Mass.
  22. visualkeigirl

    I would really recommend checking them out Blackball. I saw them live when they opened for Diru and it was awesome. I just wished that they could have played longer. They really got the crowd going and it made the whole night even better.
  23. visualkeigirl

    Thanks. Great to see more D fans out there. =^.^= Most people I know do not like D at all which is sad.
  24. visualkeigirl

    Can't wait for this. Other then No Out No Life, I have been loving their new releases. Although the title is making me a little wary...
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