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Everything posted by visualkeigirl

  1. visualkeigirl

    Lol Nuke. And Zess is right. As much as I would love to see PSC bands tour outside of Japan, I know that it is not going to happen. There is just not enough fans for them to tour outside of Japan. People beg and beg for bands to come to their countries and then they don't even go. Bands are just safer playing at Anime conventions because then they know that they are going to get some money not matter how many people come to their concert. And from what I have been seeing lately in the States is that the bands will do a couple of stops around the area of where the convention is but I highly doubt that those places get filled up.
  2. visualkeigirl

    U-Kiss - Tick Tack
  3. visualkeigirl

    Dir en grey DELUHI -OZ- Kagrra, Suicide Ali And -Eccentric Agent- Signal GUILD Radwimps Alice Nine D=OUT
  4. visualkeigirl

    Nightwish but only their music with Tarja ^^ Chopin or Debussy?
  5. visualkeigirl

    Aoi Anime or Manga?
  6. visualkeigirl

    Lin -the end of of corruption world- - Metamorphose
  7. visualkeigirl

    well, it is called a "best of" after all... Their stuff from 2011 was not all that bad. It was a different direction that worked with some songs and failed with others. But they still stayed true to their musical sound at the same time. You still got the quirky songs and looks from them.
  8. visualkeigirl

    I'm defiantly passing on this right now if those are the actual prices for the the box sets. And that's kinda strange that there is nothing from 2011 on here either.
  9. visualkeigirl

    SuG - Mad$hip
  10. visualkeigirl

    Posted a really pretty pic of shinys...
  11. visualkeigirl

    Kick Long or short nails?
  12. visualkeigirl

    Is stalking me now. xD
  13. visualkeigirl

    Read my drunken rant.
  14. visualkeigirl

    That is just completely disgusting.....
  15. visualkeigirl

    Noticed that right before he said something.
  16. visualkeigirl

    did not get his friend request on livejournal. Just noticed him in her friends list.
  17. visualkeigirl

    I burned 3 of my finger tonight cooking because my brother is an asshole.
  18. visualkeigirl

    Thanks him for mentions that they had a facebook and added him on last.fm
  19. visualkeigirl

    Profile. I hate the timeline. Natural look or make-up look?
  20. visualkeigirl

    I have already added them. When you mentioned they had a facebook, I looked it up.
  21. visualkeigirl

    Accepted his friend request one facebook. And like L'arc En Ciel on Facebook >.>
  22. visualkeigirl

    Yuya Matsushita - Hallucination
  23. Seems like it will be good. I like Megamasso's cover of Rocket Dive. Hoping that this will be as good as well.
  24. visualkeigirl

    Pizza. Black Butler or Bleach?
  25. visualkeigirl

    Is older then me.
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