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Everything posted by visualkeigirl

  1. visualkeigirl

  2. visualkeigirl

    Kagrra, Luzmelt Közi Moi Dix Mois amber gris DELUHI Aicle. D'espairsRay Luna Sea One Ok Rock Versailles
  3. visualkeigirl

    ^ YES and I HATE them...stupid dentists... Ever broken a bone?
  4. visualkeigirl

    DELUHI 9 Versailles 8 Megaromania 14 D 36 Matenrou Opera 31
  5. visualkeigirl

    Super Junior - Superman
  6. visualkeigirl

    B1A4 - Beautiful Target
  7. visualkeigirl

    ^ Is a fan of Adele
  8. visualkeigirl

    Kagrra, Suicide Ali Kagerou Közi Moi Dix Mois Mono amber gris DELUHI Aicle. D'espairsRay Luna Sea
  9. visualkeigirl

    Kagrra, Suicide Ali D=OUT Alumi Land Kagerou Közi Moi Dix Mois Mono amber gris DELUHI Aicle.
  10. visualkeigirl

    Kagrra, Suicide Ali Signal D=OUT Megaromania Alumi Land Para:Noir X Japan Kagerou Közi Moi Dix Mois
  11. visualkeigirl

    Yes. Do you wait to last minute to do your work?
  12. visualkeigirl

    Yeah a couple Have you ever danced around like a manic?
  13. visualkeigirl

    B1A4 - O.K.
  14. visualkeigirl

    yes and no. it all depends on what it is exactly and how badly I want it. have you ever listened to only one band/group/artist for more then 3 days at a time?
  15. visualkeigirl

    Hasn't stalked me lately. ^^
  16. visualkeigirl

    Sakishima beauty snake
  17. visualkeigirl

    No, because I am in the same boat right now. Am I weird that I like pickles and chocolate together and I am not pregnant?
  18. visualkeigirl

    M&M's and ginger ale
  19. visualkeigirl

    U-KISS - A Shared Dream
  20. visualkeigirl

    zy50XosieY0 A Shared Dream MV. Such a pretty song.
  21. visualkeigirl

    Ugh I swear if this turns into what goes on with hide, I will scream. I love Isshi and all but let him rest in peace.
  22. visualkeigirl

    b3iXSQQ-CnI Forbidden love MV. It has not been released on their official YT channel. But I am pretty sure that this is the official MV.
  23. visualkeigirl

    Wow... That was quick
  24. visualkeigirl

    Is someone that I have never talked to before.
  25. visualkeigirl

    SHINee - Lucifer. Needs to get out of my head
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