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Posts posted by lichtlune

  1.  here is my opinion about this that is way more unpopular.not sure if i should write this. maybe you should discover it by yourself lol. when you grow up lol.

    o h god i feel like a mom and so old

    when saying this

    you can't really understand change until it happens to you. ok maybe for me it was sooner for personal reasons but

    this is what happens when you grow up. as shocking as it sounds. you change your mind about things sometimes

    and you see things differently.

    i like to see change and maturity in others. i think is actually attractive & interesting.i think people who STay the same forever as they were at 19 are actually sad  or pathetic or very  boring .they can't realise time and they can't reconcile with their age.

    ok sure you can be very nostalgic and sad about older times. but that's the thing about time. it changes even if you don't want to.

    i am having so much fun and prefer what happend to deg/they look so much cooller

     than what happened to luna sea for example.or hyde or gackt

    i remember when i was 19 or something.i went after the guys with the most piercings and i wanted so badly to be strange.to have piercings and weird hair.and whoever said i would ever change made me so angry. this would be for life  i thought.it would be a betrayal of values if i changed .and now i don't give a shit about it. . but i understand at some age i think you should actually do it. it's Necessary .( i think most vkei fans are teenagers and just stupidly run behind any guy just because he has many piercings and tattoos)

    i still am superficial as fuck but in a different way.different things matter now.

    and i love visual kei aesthetics  .duh i love visual kei so  much. they are so very attractive but not as a serious life style would be so funny.do you really want to see deg exactly as they used to be old school again it would be so ridiculously wtf funny


    also kyo looks hotter as a guy.


    I never quite understood the notion that having fun, wearing makeup, dressing up, etc is considered immature. Sure we all grow up on the inside and we mature. Maybe i won't be the same when I'm 30 but i think its more stupid and boring to think you're more mature or grown up just for not being visual kei, goth, or whatever the fuck and looking like every other grumpy old middle aged man/woman.


    I always considered visual kei aesthetics an art form in itself. It's a art form that can go hand in hand with music. It gives it more personality. I am one of those 19 year old fans who think's he'll never change though but why should i change? simply to conform or what? 


    I still like cartoons and things i liked as a kid like pokemon or yugioh. what's wrong with it? if i have a job and house and pay my bills like everyone else what makes that immature or less adult? Visual kei is the same to me.


     I understand people change but not completely, our past is what molds us as a person today and some things stick with you for life. what, kids can only play pokemon? only teenagers can wear costumes and makeup for fun? 


    Its this mindset that you have to let go of things you love to appear grown up that i don't understand. It seems like the less grown up thing to do in my eyes. To just let others push you into that herd mentality. 


    Just make sure if you do change as a person its for the right reasons. 



    I had to use a fucking Gaia Online widget site to make that text, so you know I mean it. I honestly get really upset when I try out older, god-tier vkei bands and look at their old pictures and see how fetishy they looked at one point, and their most recent pictures are pretty much regular Japanese guys, maybe one with auburn colored hair and one having blond, in street clothing. One of my biggest appeals with visual-kei is the visuals: I live for frilly, neon hair, guys who can't paint, feathers, bloody bandages, useless face belts, hooker stockings, 8 inch Hot Topic boots, naziploitation, and unnatural eye colors. To an extent, I do feel that there is a lot of creativity that can go into stage costumes, and it is a damn shame that there isn't more effort put into visuals in an artistic sense, instead of "our frontman is blond and we have a trappy bassist so we are vkei ok." Obviously as the scene has become more streamlined, there are typical styles and ~*~visual shock~*~ approaches that are going to be repeated over and over, but that isn't to say that one day someone else will share my stance on it.


    Take Malice Mizer, for example, They took visuals and theatrics to the extreme to accompany their music. Versailles, to a lesser extent, did as well. As did groups like Raphael, Lareine, Missa, and listenable Diru. However, groups like Penicillin, Pierrot, Luna Sea, Kuroyume, and Rentrer en Soi all mellowed out as time went on. I get that Hakuei no longer wearing having flowing red hair in a pvc g-string is going to appeal to a larger audience, but that doesn't mean I have to be fucking happy about it. Due Le'Quartz is the biggest offender here. Their outfits were stellar, and then they ended in 3 piece suits with cigars and sun glasses. MYV, put those bat wings back on and cut this shit out.


    This all stems from my appreciation of androgyny. I do find being gender ??? to be artistic, not only in vkei but in other art forms as well, and find the elements of visual-kei costumes that shroud the band members' humanity to be fascinating. That's why I really don't care about finding pictures of Mana without makeup because I can already tell that home girl needs Adobe's help.





    I feel this way too, It just breaks my heart... like just now i looked at yukina's later band after madeth gray'll and i wanted to cry! haha this is why i fully respect someone like mana or kyouka for example. They never seem to forget their roots and their stage persona has become apart of who they are over time.


    I think dir en grey are the worst offenders of this and it feels like they're running from their past in a way. Or i guess some just simply out grow out of it.


    I understand bands evolve and change but to just completely forget your past and leave the scene forever can be kind of depressing.

  3. So far we've got a name "Licht:noir'e" and we're still looking for capable composers or talented guitarist's/bassists who are interested in this sort of sound and aesthetic so be sure to message one of us if you're interested. (Demo recordings or other details about your talents or influences would be appreciated) 


    Its starting to shape nicely i think, at the moment we're working on our first single and its sounding great! 


    I'll be updating this thread with more information once we're closer to debut. 

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