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Posts posted by lichtlune

  1. I wonder if there could be a way for all of us to choose the nominees or winners collectively that way we can all add as many bands as possible without counting manually. 


    something like this perhaps?




    i think this would work best maybe we could even add more polls this way.


    Best Major Band, Best Indie Band, Biggest disappointment of the year, Best music video, Best Album, Best mini Album, Best single, etc.

  2. ^sry, but even his clean vocal is better than yours ;3

    Fuck you and wait for my new project :P


    My old stuff is pretty bad i admit and i'm very young with average to poor recording equipment.


    Anyway I've improved. what were you judging from?


    and why did you have to mention it?

  3. I don't have a problem with bands changing but more so what Ikna said about the "Stripping all traces of their past". Like i feel they're trying too hard to fit in to the metal scene but i guess they did that with vk too so whatevs. 


    It would be cool if they played more of their older stuff though and didn't feel they needed to "metalfy" their older gems or "covering their tracks" so to speak musically. I think i'd respect them more if they embraced their past more I mean it got them to where they are now. 


    But well, its fine i'm not even trying to single out dir en grey either but i am kind of stuck in the past i guess and i admit to this. I'm so biased when it comes to old school visual kei music.


    I do however believe there's  a key ingredient missing with all these neo-bands but i don't feel i could explain it that well.

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