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Lestat last won the day on March 18 2016

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About Lestat

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Courtesan
  • Birthday 05/03/1993

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  1. How do you all feel about it when your friends remain friends with the people who have absolutely belittled you, lied to you about a lot, talked about you behind your back, and simply treated you like trash? Every time I see these people interacting, my heart just sinks.

    1. Tetora


      Then they aren't friends, they are acquaintances at best. You either don't feel comfortable confronting your friends, or you know it will do nothing. Find a new crew to roll with. If you don't feel like you CAN find a new crew, then there are some things you need to sort out in your own life and self esteem etc...

    2. Lestat


      I've confronted those 'friends' a numerous times about it that I feel uncomfortable about how comfortable they are in the open with these people. I usually get the 'couldn't care less' response or none at all. And to Tetora; I've never had a crew. I always have about one friend at a time and this person eventually retreats for no apparent reason and just stops interacting with me all out of a sudden.

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