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Lestat last won the day on March 18 2016

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About Lestat

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Courtesan
  • Birthday 05/03/1993

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  1. Does anyone know of a reliable shopping service other than FromJapan? Their shipping costs have increased because they no longer pack your items according to size and just throw everything in a huge box, resulting in ridiculous prices.

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    2. Valicious


      If what you're ordering is really small(ie some cheki or 1 CD), then Tenso is really great. Their fees are weight based, so things like that make there be almost no fees at all. It's not a shopping service however, they just give you your own address in Japan and then you have to handle buying and shipping things there. Last time we ordered a CD from puresound via Tenso, I think we ended up paying a combined 800 yen for shipping to the US and their fee(which was like 100 yen maybe?).

    3. Valicious


      or....there's RarezHut Imports, and we can combine everything from streams, the store, and Imports into one package. You don't have to pay overseas shipping from Japan, just a small fee on top of FJ fees. We recently started getting a discount with USPS too. (The discount isn't gigantic, but it's not insignificant.)

    4. blackdream


      I've used VisualJRock's service for mBok and Yahoo Japan Auction several times. They're very reliable. Of all the shopping services I've seen their rates are the lowest. I'm charged ¥200 per bid, and 10% of the total cost of my item(s). Of course you will need to pay the shipping and bank transfer fees; I've yet to come across a service with lower rates. The main site is being updated currently, but you can contact them through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visual...

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