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Posts posted by CaRaN

  1. Hurt LANDZ/Heal Royz


    Nightmare - 10

    Royz - 11

    Lustknot - 10

    Crazy shampoo - 10

    The GazettE - 10

    [_Vani;lla] - 10

    LANDZ - 6

    Lycaon - 10

    Capella - 10

    SPYAIR - 10

    MEJIBRAY - 8

    Diaura - 10

    Dir en grey - 10

    Kagrra, - 10

  2. I think I'd chosen the same song you did since it's amazing.


    01. A (エース) - 灰色の天使

    02. Versailles - 妖-ayakashi-

    03. the GazettE - Nausea & Shudder

    04. DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - GalaxxxyKiss

    05. Simple Plan - Jump

    06. the GazettE - 歪

    07. FACT - no hesitation

    08. A (エース) - 今宵、銃声が聴こえない街で

    09. xTRiPx - trust

    10. kiss my way - Keep Sing Out!


    I thought i was gonna have a hard time choosing between 03., 04 and 08. I'd have probably chosen Nausea & Shudder, but then trust came up so I'm totally going with it xDD 


    I had already seen this xDDD it's bad xDDD



    God I remember the laugh we had talking about this band at the chat xDDDDDDDDDDDD



    Oh my god xDDDDDDDDD I don't know what to say about this xDDDD I think they are from Argentina by their accent though, but who knows xDDDD


    I'm leaving this PV from a Spanish VK band. I don't think they are that bad but I thought I should contribute xDD


  4. I think that would suck lol unless the next thing they release is an album, because if they include these 4 songs + the singles they release before the album I don't know how many new songs would the album have lol. It would be nice if they included this one song though since it's live-limited and all.


    Btw it seems that the two days live is divided in three parts, each part with its separate ticket (2800Y, 2800Y and 3800Y). The people who go to all three parts will get this live distributed single. It seems that each part is centered on one of the serial story CDs. The first one is centered on ハートレス クラシックメモリー, the second one on 色即是空-イロスナワチコレソラナリ- (both of them at 08/23) and the third one centered on small world order (at 08/24).


    Also I think that at 08/24 there will be a time of free entrance to the live hall where you will be able to buy goods, and there will be a booth for each member of the band (I guess you can talk to them and stuff) there will also be some other funny stuff. (I don't know what they mean by that lol and I don't know either whether you have to buy tickets for the lives in order to get in there or what. I don't think it's like every fella passing by can get in lol)


    Didn't watch yet so fanboy edit incoming lol


    EDIT: Ok, I watched it like 5 times just to be able to say my opinion objectively and stay unbiaFUCK IT, GOOOOOOOD!!! I LOVE THIS SHIT GIMME THE ALBUM NOOOOOOW!!!! Seriously I think this song is just unbelievably awesome. Now I just have to wait a month to get the full thing.

  6. I haven't listened to almost anything on your list xD so I'd probably choose the same song you did.



    01 - spiv states - Horry

    02 - DaizyStripper - UNDER THE SUN

    03 - 凛として時雨 - sitai miss me

    04 - Paramore - Be Alone

    05 - Versailles - ROSE


    07 - Aqua Timez - ハチミツ ~Daddy,Daddy~

    08 - LM.C -  PUNKY ❤ HEART

    09 - UNiTE. - クオリア



    WTF this choice was difficult lol, I love almost every song on the list. I finally went for the SCREW song, but it could have been the DaizyStripper, the LM.C, the UNiTE., the THE KIDDIE or the Aqua Timez song too lol

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