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Posts posted by CaRaN

  1. Previews for the other songs of the single were uploaded too:




    And also this thing, i don't know what it is lol but it's supposed to be from the single:




    I really really liked Renai Chuudoku's preview


    And yeah, I pre-ordered both version a month ago or so, really looking forward to it

  2. I don't know if they are gonna start over as indies, but yeah, I think they are gonna come back to their roots and do something like their first releases and I'd be so happy if they did something as awesome as TOKYO MUZiCAL HOTEL (I know this album is major, but it's one of my favorite albums ever xD)

  3. DIE KUSSE: Best song in the single imo. When I first listened to it in youtube I though Sophia's vocals were annoying, but now I kinda like them in the song. The beggining was pretty good when all the instruments kick in and then tsuzuku says "eins zwei drei vier" and screams. I find this song catchy and Tsuzuku's vocals are pretty good in it. The solo was really great (this kinda thing are why MiA is my fav member of the band).


    VIOLET: I can't say this is a bad song. But either that it is anything special. I find this a little boring. Average vocals and nothing really stands out for me on the instruments side. I have to point out that I find Kouichi's bass slapping technique repetitive by now, but well it's ok.


    WANT: This is totally a song that could be fun at a live, but listening to it here... I don't like it. I can't point out anything from this song. I find it boring and simple.


    Score: :3.0:  | All in all I think this single is pretty forgettable and I don't see myself listening to it again besides the title track which I find great.

  4. I really love languages, I wish my parents had put me on a biligual school so now I could speak english u.u


    I'm learning Japanese atm (this is my 4th year studying it) and when I finish it (by finishing it i mean finishing at the school I'm learning it, which is a 5 year-long course, because one never ends studying this language lol) I'll really get serious with English. I think I should be studying something related to languages at college instead of what I'm doing but well.. xDD

  5. All those people playing DmC and Ni no Kuni, I have to let you know something: I hate you.


    I finished like a month ago Assassin's Creed BrothahooD, and I think I'm gonna get now a brand new copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2 for 20€ so i guess that when I finish my exams I'll be hittin' dat bitch all day and night lol


    Also I recently downloaded this MMORPG called TERA, so i might be playing that shit too since it's going F2P

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