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Posts posted by CaRaN

  1. Since I don't have that many CDs, I made pictures of all of them:



    トウメイ, snow white butterfly, Sadistic purple Lies, [Re:birth on the stripe], Blue well the air, Raspberry on the lips, ハルイロプラスチック, siesta, [-Re:evolution-], Digital'a Nature, Innovation[re]isM, [double], Astrovibes, Disturb[da]bordeR (Both Editions) and Rest In Peace (Live limited)

    the GazettE


    NIL (EU), STACKED RUBBISH(EU), DIM (EU), REMEMBER THE URGE (Optical Impression), TOXIC (Limited Edition), OMEGA DVD (Limited Edition), DIVISION (Limited Edition) and THE DECADE DVD (Limited Edition)



    ミドルノート(Limited Edition), Kud' (Live Distr.), STARTiNG OVER'S (Limited Edition), AIVIE (Both Editions), 約束 (Both Editions), First Anniversary ONEMAN Live DVD, イオ (Both Editions) and MEANiNG (Both Editions)



    捏造ピエロ (Regular Edition), 検索結果0 (Both Editions) and 始まりの歌



    Alpha (Type A), Revolution to NEW Age (Type A), NOAH (Type B & C), STARRY HEAVEN (3 Types), INNOCENCE (3 Types)



    Doggy Style (Limited Edition), 101 (Regular Edition), BIBLATION-X (Both Editions) and Doggy Style II (Both Editions)



    Mudai no Document (Both Editions), Natsu no Yukue (Both Editions) and 卒業 (Both Editions)






    七色story and Rhythmical Day's






    コイバナ (Both Types), wish and Give Me A Smile






    Halloween Party (Live limited)






    東京ホライズン-Day&Day- (Limited Edition)



    VURNY - Silver Gang Star // SuG - Fukanzen Beautyfool Days (Type B ) // SCREW - BIRAN (Regular Edition) // Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - All That We Have Now // Irokui - Sakura Seven (Limited Edition) // Irokui - Negaomo Type // An Cafe - Gokutama Rock Cafe (EU) // Girugamesh - 13's Reborn (EU) // -OZ- - STIGMA (3 Types) // Alice Nine - Alpha (EU)


  2. Ugh, where do I begin? CaRaN, how dare you make me choose between these two bands

    hahahaha when I opened this I actually thought of you xDDDD

    Now I'm gonna give my oppinion:

    I loved Canzel, their music was great and Icchi is just Icchi xDDD (the only singer I think is better than him is Yo-shiT) I was really sad when they disbanded.

    I didn't find out about UNiTE. until I saw U-smeh- to download on a blogspot site (xD) and when I saw who the members were I didn't know what to think, because I thought that Yui would never be as good as Icchi at all. When I tried it I actually didn't like the single that much, but then Middle Note was released and I totally fell in love (my favorite song by them, Distory, is in that single). Every realese after that was awesome and now I love every song they've released so far. I like UNiTE.'s sound better than Canzel, and now I think Yui is as good as a vocalist as Icchi, which I thought was imposible xDD

    So yeah, I went for UNiTE. too xD

  3. I've never done a review before, but since this single made me wet my pants, I'll try xDD

    INNOCENCE: This track is just perfect, the sinth at the beggining was really awesome, and I especially liked the drums and the bass in this track. But what impressed me the most was Subaru. It really surprised me hearing him "growl" and of course, his voice is as beautiful as always. 10/10

    ハートレス: I loved this. It starts with some "oooing" (which I really like), and then the song goes on and Subaru makes a display of his beautiful voice hitting some high notes. Awesome. 9/10

    SHADOW: This is good, I really liked the beggining and the guitar in this song. and the vocals are awesome. If I had to say something that wasn't that great is the chorus, but it's really good anyways. 8/10

    Depression~ドレスとリング~: And this is awesome, again Subaru surprised me with his way of singing it. The guitars were awesome here and th solo is really great. 8.7/10

    All in all, I think this is one of their best releases and I hope they keep it up!! Subaru really surprised me on this one =D I'll give the single a 8.9/10

  4. キャンゼル (Canzel) - FiRST STEPS E.P. (single, March 2008)


    Completely agree, those songs are two of my favorites by them. Btw, Mio's signature in there is just awesome!

    xTRiPx - トウメイ。(Toumei.) (mini-album, June 2005)


    To me this release is just special, it's not my favorite by them, but it does have CAUTiON and Rem. which are some of favourite songs ever. I'm really happy that I could get it :)



    VURNY - SILVER GANG STAR (mini-album February 2011)


    This is awesome, I was amazed the first time I heard this. Kyouhei's voice is so weird and the music's so good haha too bad every other release than this was sell only at lives/ZEAL LINK xD


    the GazettE - 別れ道 (Wakaremichi) (single, April 2002)


    Though the GazettE has changed a lot through all this years and I actually like more their current style, this was an excellent first release and I love the title song.


    ユナイト (UNiTE.) - UNiTE. (single, March 2011)


    UNiTE. is my third favorite band, and this release was really awesome, and I think all tracks are amazing, including the intro.


  5. He's been in this band for a long time hasn't he? I remember reading about another live in his ameblo earlier this year and he said something like "If you say the band's name on the entrance, you'll get a free ticket" xDDDD

    I just want xTRiPx back...


    I hope they come back and release something keeping up RIP and re;lily level. Maybe an album or a mini. But I guess they'll wait until ena finishes his work with ZUCK or something, who knows u.u

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