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Posts posted by CaRaN

  1. omg now people are complaining that THE GAZETTE is way to EXPENSIVE.


    DUH... everyone could know that it will be that PRICE.


    Well I didn't expect the VIP ticket in France to be almost 10€ more expensive than in Helsinki, don't have any complaints about the regular ticket though. And if that were the case I think I can complain, can't I?





    Btw, I'd like them to tell us the time the tickets will start to be sold at, since I wanna buy it instantly lol

  2. 625545_576428252376623_1178424274_n.jpg


    Does anybody know how can I buy tickets from fnac france and how would I get them? I mean, will they send it to me, do I have to print it or what?


    PS: The shit is expensive as hell, Torpedo really wants to milk us lol I hope the VIP ticket is worthy

  3. Just a heads up, long previews for each song are available on Japanese iTunes, in case anyone is dying to listen to this.

    Based on the previews, I'm particularly looking forward to 青空にパラシュート & 新世界の黙示録.

    Surprised that 新世界の黙示録 is over 7 minutes!

    Yeah, I listened to them earlier today and I'm totally loving 青空にパラシュート, it sounds awesome!!!!

  4. I'm really thrilled about this!! Their new look is also really awesome!


    Btw their setlist at SHIBUYA AX according to Yui's blog:



    SE.starting overオーケストラver.
    01.starting over
    02.U -s m e h-
    09.cinema verite
    11.grow into UNiTE.(Played wth the band)
    14.鳥籠好餌責務-TORIKAGO like obligation-
    15.world wide wish
    01.life time relation(Played with the band)
    02.small world order
    It's a pretty good setlist, they played the new song and I'm thrilled about the live versions of grow into UNiTE. and life time relation. But seriously, where are L for U and Ao to Shiro no Kotoba??? O.o
    Hoping they make a DVD out of this haha

  5. Wow, not a genre I usually listen to, but that's a really nice song!


    Anyway, here's my song/music video of the day!

    From the lyrics about meteorites raining down and demolishing Hawaii, to the awesome "retro" video game visuals and anime cameos, and of course the 8-bit Debussy outro, this is just a fun music video.  Papa Topo continues to surprise with their unpredictability.


    Those lyrics xDDDD


    My song:


  6. I really don't know why so many people don't like them... I think it's more for reasons regarding touring "every year" while people want to see different artists - because music-wise I really don't think they suck (live). Sure, there are better bands around, but then again - these are still Indies, and for what they are they sound pretty good (though I have to admit I don't know how the new guitarist will perform as he's a bit younger as far as I know - this could have changed things for better or for worse, I'll only know after the concert)...


    I mean when I look at some of the better footage from last year (Germany/Munich) I can't see where and why this should be crap (regardless of the fact that I'm not really into VK - but that's a story of taste and not of crap/not crap in my opinion);



    I completely agree with you! I'd definitely go if they came to my country, or if it was in a better date because may sucks for me :(

  7. Happy bday, CaRaN! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, amigo!  :wan-04:


    ¡¡Gracias amigo!!! 396f21183bb654325d0367274c3d15c7.gif.pag


    Happy birthday CaRaN! I hope you'll enjoy your day :)


    Thanks saisai!!! Yeah I had a great time with my family today =D


    Happy birthday, CaRaN-kun. ;3


    Thank you, nostalgia.!!!! ^__^


    Happy birthday Caran. Have a fun day! We are the same age now. :P


    Thank pinku!!! I did =) and yeah! You are no longer older than me hahaha


    Happy birthday, d00d!


    Thanks a lot fitear!!!!

  8. WAAAT Crybaby? maybe they'll release a new version on 'Any Verse'? OMG where's july already


    If they did that it would be super awesome. But we can't assume that just because it's on the setlist since the setlist was decided by fans on a poll in their official website. It's not like they played it because they wanted. Nevertheless it would be such a great idea, it's the only song from pinkuro that didn't get a new version and I personally love it.


    I was actually pretty glad to see I's on the setlist since it's the song I was voting for everyday hahaha

  9. Setlist from 2013/03/02:










    8.Dream Cather 




    11.milky way














    1.geT Ready feat.正人 from CATFIST





    I must say this is an awesome setlist!! They should do a DVD out of this (that's what I say whenever they do a oneman lol). I kinda miss Hoshi no kakera though.

  10. i really like Hello and the Merry song!! I haven't listened to the other ones, but I know most of the bands though.


    01. UNiTE. - Eniver

    02. Super Junior - Miracle

    03. Super Junior - Shake it up!

    04. UNiTE. - Meaning

    05. Royz -  春の夜の夢

    06. Kameleo - How much?

    07. Royz - Tear drop

    08. the GazettE - 歪

    09. xTRiPx - selfish

    10. NEXX - capsule


    It seems like I can't get a varied list no matter how much I try lol. I think this was the hardest one to pick, I was doubting between the one I picked, selfish by xTRiPx and Meaning by UNiTE. I finally went for Super Junior but I consider the three songs in the same level of awesomeness and can't really say that any of them is better than the others.

  11. I really like (or liked) giru, the other artists either I don't know them or I'm not into them (like DEG and emmurée)


    01. Super Junior - SPY

    02. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Stray in Chaos

    03. Super Junior - SHINING STAR

    04. DOG inThePWO - Fun!Fun!Tomorrow!!

    05. the GazettE - REGRET

    06. the GazettE - ガンジスに紅い薔薇

    07. UNiTE. - BadRequest

    08 Super Junior - Gulliver

    09. Paramore - Misery Business

    10. ★NOハウス - 流星シュプール


    This was actually a tough decision since I really really love all the songs from the list lol. I had to go with DOG inThePWO since that song is completely awesome. 

  12. Oh I really like Avenged Sevenfold! I even went to see them live =D


    01. THE KIDDIE - シュプレヒコール

    02. the GazettE - 十四歳のナイフ

    03. the GazettE - 蜷局

    04. the GazettE - DRIPPING INSANITY

    05. DaizyStripper - BLACK DROPPer

    06. UNiTE. - 約束

    07. THE KIDDIE - 5月5日

    08. xTRiPx - I's

    09. the GazettE - THE END

    10. the GazettE - Psychedelic Heroine


    Seriously, what's wrong with the GazettE, it seems like I didn't have any other music in my iPod lol. Well my favorite from those songs is I's by xTRiPx. Wasn't really hard to pick since it's my favorite song of my favorite band, so yeah xD

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