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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. i read it like 13 times. but he was referring at something i said personally.so i thought why not ask him. i don't take it as attack. i just do not have a problem discussing and answering in things, i do not consider it spam. but i get now that others do . so i will never post again


    edit: were the fuck was i offensive? i will never write in this forum ever again. i regret so much ever writing anything here .

  2. i still don't understand your point i am sorry xD. I do not know why i don't get what you are trying to tell me. i am not sure if this is what you telling.
    but yes you are no god or authoritarian figure (i am not referring to you personally, generally example),so you won't speak to me in such an arrogant way .because then i will not accept to listen to you. i will consider your opinion worthless no matter if is true or false. i am open minded ,only when others are. if others are close minded, i would have the same reaction to them. you were not being dogmatic though.i never saw you as dogmatic .we just had different opinions.

    i mean  in a discussion. because if you are like this, it's not  a discussion really

    (the opinion i was referring to if you are curious, i didn't make a big deal of it because is an unpopular opinions thread and it would be silly to comment more.but i saw it as arrogant xD  edit: but people often express themselves in similar ways generally)

  3. random note .i wasn't talking about @dogman. when i said about dogmatic. i think himself knows that though . @Rocketeer let people talk to you in a dogmatic way . you seem like you are the person they are looking for


    (edit:i didn't have a problem with @ DogManX. i was trying to understand what he was saying. and we had a random discussion .but i think he knows that. but you seem to not understand)

  4. are you serious? you have not understand anything i ever said. read it again or don't read it. honestly i do not care about your ignorance. i am really tired to explain the same things. and i am over this discussion.

    you are accusing me of not accepting others opinions. when all i ever try to do is support that everyone should say their opinions. this is a joke. did  you ever read anything i ever wrote.  the only opinion i had a problem with and i didn't accept it , was when it was expressed in a dogmatic way. who ever speaks to me in a dogmatic way , i would take his opinion as a joke and a failure.

  5. aren't we expressing opinions. i can describe however i want. i don't get your point . is there a correct way to express your opinion? why people should not use those when they say their opinion.

    if you are talking to me. i am not mad. i have no clue what you are saying most of the times. i can't understand your point. hiroki makes me understand better.

    i think your english is fine. but i seriouly can't understand what you are trying to say and what your point is


    edit: oh wait i think i get it. all this time you are just telling me that  your unpopular opinion is when people use these words
    to describe you are annoyed or disagree with the use. omfg and i am having all this conversation. xD orz.
    it's an opinion though, some people see progress. personally it depends on the case  what i will say.

  6. i was thinking to edit and add before. i think i was being accidentally political xD between liberalism and conservative perhaps. i think being conservative is  close minded.

       Is abstract art a progress from Renaissance painting?


    for example i am not here to judge what is better. i am here to support change and different point of views. because we wouldn't have both(abstract&  Renaissance) without change. we would have only one. do you think one of them is not necessary. it wouldn't matter if it never existed?. because i find more interesting that both exist.


    i don't deny that it can be bad change. but you can't block change completely, without blocking the advantage that comes with it. you can block bad change with critical thinking

  7. this is what i get from what you are telling ,you have no opinion if change is good or bad.
    my opinion is : without a degree of change there is no progress. who the fuck in a society doesn't want to advance
    and promotes going backwards or being close minded.or stuck. there s a reason is a popular opinion.
    now if you want to discuss what band is perfect in a high quality and doesn't need any difference at all but only to repeat the same things.
    i do not know i am going to stop answering because i don't think we get anywhere productive.we repeat the same things.


    although i said in almost every fricking post i made clearly that not everyone can make changes without failing. and not everyone need to do it . you failed to see it.

    if you are happy with yourself ,don't progress. stay where you are.

  8. i am not sure if i should continue this because to be honest i don't understand what you are saying.
    do you disagree? you think stuck in a loop is a good thing? you think people/bands shouldn't change? or is a general comment that change is a matter of taste.without change people would never improve. i mean sure it's a risk you might become worse. but to have any progress you need change.

    but some people indeed are more revolutionary than others in personality . not everyone can be that and not everyone needs to be that .
    or maybe you think maturity is more stability? stability in sound doesn't mean stuck in a loop though  and not progress.
    my personal taste is i want stability in the basis usually. if i recognise you ,you can have all the radical changes you want or even recreate yourself but i still can tell it's you.it's still you.like you have a unique trade mark (or purpose or value or an attitude or a characteristic). (what if you even recreate yourself and i can still recognise you from something)

    usually i don't like change when you change the "trademark" into something i don't like. sorry if i am not very clear. it's difficult to explain xD. what if you become something completely different.

    it's stupid but i was thinking this because deg made an album with origin in title and then merry with tittle NOnsense MARKet xD

  9. ^ "progress" is just a synonym for change that someone happens to be agreeable with :P


    but you can say your opinion and in every band/case might be different. you can say for example "i do not think this change is useful

    and it's making the band worse. so it's not progress".and explain your point of view .  or you can say "the band might be evolving but it's different than my personal taste."

    i don't see what is the problem . this is what discussions are for . and people have different opinions.

    but indeed the popular opinion is that  is better to move forward and progress  and this can't happen without change. but that doesn't mean it has to be radical always.every case is different. everyone has different personality

  10. Change or "progression" in musical style or appearance is widely viewed a positive value. That may have the reason that we as a human race always want to overcome old structures or previous generations.

    On the contrary, people who speak for stagnation or against progression for certain artists or bands are often turned down to be elitist trolls or whatever.


    I don't believe that any of the arguments can be generally applied (for the UNPOPULAR OPINION mainly the argument for progression) as it contains generally a matter of taste.

    In fact, I believe people only use this "bands have to develop to stay good" argument if they themselves have no problem with the end result of band's progressions they base their argumentation on.

    change and progression  is not the same thing exactly.i think the popular idea is progression.change is a matter of taste like you said  (others find it interesting ,for others is a reason to leave)

    progression doesn't mean changing the sound of the band though and suddenly become from metal to pop for example.

    isn't it more like a maturity over years?

    or every album has something new .a different story to give.

    i think is the popular idea because is more healthy than being stuck in a loop. (i mean even a degree of it is natural and unavoidable in life so the idea is more healthy to accept it  or want it than try to stop it)

    if you are already perfect though maybe you don't have anywhere to progress to xD

    but sure there must be people with the unpopular opinion. that don't want to progress?

  11. why are you so apologetic. i know you respect them from the way you write and don't stop commenting. when most people here  say some bullshit unpopular opinion of theirs in a completely stupid dogmatic way and they do not care xD. and i am very close to answer them similar like " your opinion is a mediocre with constantly poor execution."


    anyway i don't listen to x japan either. plus  i don't like power metal. but i can't deny they are pioneers of visual kei and value them for that

  12. ^ I was going to reply with a sarcastic comment but then I thought, better not, since I don't want it to come off as being rude when it's just a joke. >< Anyway, I'll post another 'unpopular opinion,' which, I'm guessing is unpopular, seeing as how popular these artists are. I listen to them sometimes, but I can't understand why/how they're so popular or famous; X Japan and Miyavi (and a couple of other populars but I don't want to be a hater xD). I know, I know, preferences and personal tastes, and seeing as how they were such influencial music acts.. it's just, yeah, I don't know, I guess I can't get into them as much as others. I bought What's My Name by Miyavi and it's the only album I've regretted getting.. >.< Just because of his vocals I mean, and I know I say I always love a vocalist who isn't that great at singing but I just couldn't enjoy the album for some reason, apart from the instrumental parts (he is a fabulous guitarist, no doubt about that!).. On another note, Yoshiki definitely isn't helping me fall for X Japan haha. xD I should give them another listen actually, probably change my mind if I listen a lot more and to their classics.. Too much hating from me at the moment, sorry sorry, shutting up


    Scratch out all that bs!! I knew I'm always wrong. xD Already like his indies work, why'd he change style so much? Again, so much learning I'm in for. Ignore any more posts from me lol. Loads of old works by musicians I must listen to now.

    about x japan

    it's not necessary  to like a band but it is good just to have knowledge of their value and why people respect them.

    i mean do you understand why  people respect them or like them? then do not try to find why you do not like their music is normal.music taste is personal.

    (actually if you can't understand the point of  view of others,despite if you disagree or not with them.you can't make any good argument and support it at the end imo. )

  13. what marketing logic is "people follow them because they make fun of them". that's infomercials logic. you should aim to make good music or art and not to be a joke.

    informecial logic is not something you should be proud of. "is so ridiculous that i will notice"

    the proud/poetic logic  is :that something is so different than my values or what i am used to, that it annoys  me and i notice it,not because it makes me laugh because it is more stupid than me.


    that has nothing to do with sadie sorry. i just comment on @Tetora


    edit: *values i mean repressive society values. you should aim to annoy people and not to make people see you as a joke. at least that's what i think more of an artist

  14. (not only japanese generally about music)
    it depends on the band.every band would not be the same description.but i guess my favorite type of songs are the ones that make me forget where i am.can make all the world around me disappear.make me feel that can literally take my soul . or make me feel something more intense than ordinary.whatever that feeling might be.the feelings might be different ,it depends on the song and on the artist.it's not always the same feeling.but they have to make me feel something/any feeling more intense.


    also  i can enjoy a song that doesn't make me feel . it's just that i can't admire it.(the song)

    so it's really difficult to explain to people on technical terms most of the times in conversations, when i choose based on what they make me feel. (i have sometimes the impression that some people seem like they can't understand this  . if seriously they can't understand. they do not know what they are missing.)


    about looks.
    if you forget the music i would just choose bands that are the prettier ,most good looking or the most attractive.having to be masculine and feminine at the same time .and have something in their appearence that is rock or underground (whatevel that is) and doesn't give a shit about mainstream popular fashion .this is why i like vkei in general nomatter what  my favorite bands are.

  15. @ ゆうぎ  i did not know what he felt. i still do not know what he feels about me. i think he didn't truly love me because he hurt me very bad too. i know i was more important to him than others . (so i said  he loved me more because i was bored to explain.) i can not  explain to you more though  because it's too personal.

    sometimes i feel i have some traits too to be honest but my self esteem is extremely low to be one myself.

  16. i got 11. i am impressed i thought it would be 5 or something.


     on a more serious note. above some posts opinion annoys me. sorry to spoil maybe the fun of the thread but maybe someone would find my experience interesting.also i would like to tell it somewhere and i just choose the most random place.

    no is not fine and it's not funny. never assume unless you have experienced someone who truly is.
    basically you need to run away from them . i used to know   personally. now i am older and i can clearly see the traits when i read about them.
    because what they do is they do not care if you get hurt very bad.
    as long as they get what they want and their image keep looking good ,they truly believe they are better than any of you.unless you have high power somewhere, then maybe you are on their level. (their image is more important than your feelings)
    they are going to manipulate you.
    they do not care about your feelings because they do not feel empathy generally
    and i hope you realize what they are before is too late or never meet one in your life

    also the constant delusional talking about how great they are was hitting on my nerves .and is terrible.

    i know personally he loved me more so it was better . but with people he didn't love he was very cruel and unbelievable charming at first. until you saw the truth and it was too late.


    traits of it can also be. they are with you only as long as you are useful to them somehow. when you stop being useful they are going to be cruel

  17. ok my experience

    i used to go to underground shows years ago often ,(even in random local bands ,not only more famous) (now not anymore,i stopped). there were  always  mosh pits.  i didn't want to participate in the mosh pit. but it was in front of me. and nothing ever happened to me. because people above said it scared them.
    but it was so fun to go to shows like this because fans were kinda crazy doing whatever the fuck they want and it was so amusing.
    back then  i prefered it than shows that have rules. now i don't care. maybe i would prefer even rules.
    although i  think i don't like having  specific seats. it seems so strange to not be able to go whenever you want in a show.

    i mean it depends on the audience. different audiences in different music genres i imagine. some people do not give a fuck how pretty the singer is or do not care to pay close attention to the members all the time. just go to shows to have fun and party.and jump all over the place and crowd surf. to be honest when i went to shows like this i didn't care about the members at all either ,most of the times.i only cared about the music like 90% of the times i didn't even know how the members looked with few exceptions.
    when i discovered visual kei i started paying attention to members and how pretty they are.and wanting to watch how they play or how they express themselves.
    back then it was like going to a party xD  when i went to shows

  18. from google


    嗚呼 胸を躍らせて 見上げた舞台 極彩色世界俺はクラウンさ ガラクタ 俺はクラウンさ 黒いコメディー俺はクラウンさ そう偽善者 俺はクラウンさ  全部パロディー黒いクラウン 赤いクラウン 青いクラウン汚れていてもかまわない どうせ今夜限りじゃないか「どうぞ笑ってください。」できれば金を恵ん でほしい。此処は何処?たぶん地下室 此処は何処?腹黒はキミだろ?此処は何処?真っ赤な孤独 此処は何処?頼むから消えてくれ・・・。嗚呼 胸を躍らせ て 見上げた舞台 極彩色世界嗚呼 ハーメルンの笛吹きがやってくる 壊れていく 世界人も機械もみんな 使い捨ての二番煎じ「どうか泣かないでくれ。」 できれば愛を恵んで欲しい。嗚呼 胸を躍らせて 見上げた舞台 極彩色世界嗚呼 ハーメルンの笛吹きがやってくる 壊れていく 世界汚れていく世界。

  19. i just read more comments above. when you look at them in the pvs they do seem like copy. in moves , clothes and styling a little. but if i am honest i never thought on my own that this band reminds me deluhi. if you do not look the pv especcially. probably they were influenced or tried to copy but deluhi was just better. i believe that if there was no image maybe people wouldn't see it so clearly the copy

    edit: also i just read above they are in the same label. i didn't know that. i have seen many times bands in same music labels having this problem. looking or sounding similar/remind each other.

  20. i do not know i like both because i like kamijo xD. i won't vote because i do not know much about these bands.
    but i think i would choose versailles only because are more closer to nowdays kamijo and i know more songs. i know very few songs from lareine but the higher tone of voice i don't like .i  prefer the lower from versailles

    although i could just vote lareine, just because of dir en gray song xD. that i like as song but also because the story behind it amuses me so much.

    (also the voice is not high there .sounds more normal at least. do they have more songs with this voice?)

  21. i voted too exist trace
    from all the vkei girl bands i have seen (there are very few) but  danger gang would probably be my second favorite.i do not like aldious for example at all.
    but they do not have much,i do not even know if they are active. so i prefer exist trace. i like more songs, also they have  jyou

  22. i am sure i remember there was the same poll somewhere in the past.


    i could expect because they are similar i would like both but it's so opposite for me.

    i never liked deathgaze's music. i have tried it many times. i only like literally 2 songs   that i do  not find boring.
    their songs generally are so boring to me.while i have many lynch songs that i love.
    i do not even like ai's voice ,sounds like a bad hazuki copy to me. i know the voices remind eachother. but their is a deeper tone in ai that i find annoying.
    also i even like so much more lynch's "visuals"/ clothes / looks

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