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Everything posted by usuxorz

  1. FF7 But I'm a highly emotional person (at times) and can cry easily, so if I listed every game that made me teary eyed, this would be a very long post. XD
  2. I'm an Aries and it's usually 50/50. My Chinese sign is a bit more accurate at about 75% right. Edit: the astroclick portrait from astro.com is about 95% accurate. O_o;;
  3. usuxorz

    California, USA. There are a few other members also from California, but I don't know how active they are now-a-days. I've met up with a few. <3
  4. usuxorz

    I know someone who has a serious disgust for bodily fluids. Like, it was so bad that she even hated kissing because sometimes there would be saliva on her lips (possibly even her own saliva). She was the type to immediate wipe away the area kissed, even if there wasn't any saliva on her. I know her relationships suffered from it. Now she's married with a kid, so obviously she liked him enough to get over her disgust long enough to allow him orgasm inside of her. XD So, with that in mind, take your time and enjoy your life until you "find the right person." There's no rush.
  5. Awww man! I really wish I had something to post about my former band! XD But we sucked so much that the band only lives on in memories, ancient social media profiles, and a handful of pictures from practice/meetings (and, I think, one silent video). Now imagine THAT level of suckage for a band!!! For the long, boring story then continue reading (otherwise ignore ):
  6. usuxorz

    I love Kyo and I always will, but I can't help but laugh at him in the above clip. I can't really name any one particular reason either. XD
  7. usuxorz

    The only time my dad listened to music was on the long road trips to visit his parents. One of the songs he liked was The Animals - Spill Wine. The radio version gets to the meat of the song much faster, but I don't want to look for a better youtube version. XD My mom always had the radio on and owned tons of cassettes. She loved Cyndi Lauper! One of the last songs I remember her listening to (on cassette) before her death was Color Me Badd - I Wanna Sex You Up. It isn't awkward at all to listen to that song with your mother as a child/preteen..................... *cough*
  8. usuxorz

    Seems like a rather "classic" jrock list... with a couple Korean songs thrown in. XD I keep misreading "WHAT IS LOVE" as "Love, what is it good for?" Don't ask me how....... 1. Dir en grey - 朔-Saku- 2. Sacha Baron Cohen - I Like To Move It (Madagascar Soundtrack) 3. Nostalgia Seven - 蜃気楼の町 4. exist†trace - proof of the blood 5. Crying Nut - 코미디의 왕 6. Nightwish - Know Why The Nightingale Sings 7. The Adicts - Love Sucks 8. Nana Mizuki - Lovely Fruit 9. Stone Temple Pilots - Down 10. Pt. - LOVE FLASH Wow.... it's surprisingly diverse minus the "love" theme at the end! (Of course the next two songs were Diru followed by Pt. XD)
  9. In lieu of an official announcement, 7 Samurai Records instead chose to quietly let Thee Out Mods disappear. Thee Out Mods OHP, official twitter account, and other official profiles were deleted over time. Several official profiles on social media websites were abandoned, but not deleted. ACE, producer for 7 Samurai Records and support guitarist for Thee Out Mods, wrote on his blog that the band is on hiatus until the band members state otherwise. Thee Out Mods are unofficially disbanded. Sana (vo) formed The Trippin' Out on December 3, 2012. Gt: Tatsuya Ba: "Mr. X" (Yoshiki, formerly of Thee Out Mods) Dr: SHIGE Sana's official blog: http://ameblo.jp/thetrippinout/ Tatsuya's blog: http://ameblo.jp/trippin2107/ Yoshiki's ("Mr. X") blog: http://ameblo.jp/trippinbass777/ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheTrippinOut?feature=watch Ken, formerly the drummer of Thee Out Mods, is the "boss" of The Trippin' Out. (Google translation ftw XD) ACE is the producer (and who knows what else) for The Trippin' Out. The Trippin' Out released a 3-song demo in January, which they sell at lives. Despite so many members related to Thee Out Mods now being associated with The Trippin' Out, this new band does not appear to be associated with 7 Samurai Records.
  10. usuxorz

    A little bit more info, even if Angry Joe isn't a skilled interviewer.... Classy!
  11. usuxorz

    FC 0473-8225-2046 Dream address: 5900-3256-0291
  12. usuxorz

    Levar Burton, Danny Trejo, and zombies!!! I should've loved this shitfest, but it was only mediocre. Not even so bad that it's fan-fucking-tastic, just mediocre. =/
  13. usuxorz

    I found out that a former friend died in a car accident last night. The back-stabbing drama-whore group that we used to belong to is using her death as new reason why my boyfriend and I should break up. (Don't ask me to make sense out of their illogical thoughts because I don't have a clue.) To top it off, I'm having serious deja vu from when my former best friend died in a car accident in 2003. *sigh* I mourned back then, but all the emotions came surging back today.
  14. usuxorz

    Pic spam of some of my past pets... most of my pictures are on an older computer that I don't have access to at the moment. This here is Pyscho, AKA Pyschobabykins. He "belongs" to my best friend, but he's my honorary kitty. He was a stray that just adopted my best friend's house (and neighborhood). He has a stubby tail and originally came with a baby-pink diamond-studded collar. XD I have some scars from him scratching me and I'm sure I'll get even more in the future as he's aptly named. <3 I love him just as he is.
  15. usuxorz

    It's so weird to see posts by my old account..... even weirder than to stumble across posts made when I was a mod.......... O_o;;
  16. usuxorz

  17. usuxorz

    Hmmm, do former mods count? If no, 8. If yes, 0.
  18. Shortest: about 12 hours? I found out he already had a girlfriend before asking me out, so I dumped him. He had been courting me for several months before this... he was with her the whole time. =/ If you don't count that, then 2 weeks. Longest: Just shy of 3 years Current: 2 years 7 months (so there might be a new record later this year XD)
  19. usuxorz

    I frakking approve! (Minus the smoking, but it's not my business anyway.)
  20. usuxorz

    One of my boyfriend's friends said he will still be getting an Xbox One because he "likes football." He sells video game products for a living (not at GameStop) so we were both surprised that he would be buying the console based on the information currently released. Sadly, my boyfriend wants to collect them all when it comes to consoles (a NeoGeo?! Really?! Ugh.... ), so he's still considering the Xbox One. I won't buy one and I won't help pay for his if he does decide to buy one. The used game fee wouldn't bother him too much because he's always preordering the special editions of games and rarely buys used (except for PS2 and older). What WOULD bother him is the 500GB HD. With all the mandatory installs and our save files, that would fill up rather quickly (his 320GB PS3 was 90% full in under a year despite him actively deleting stuff). Uninstalling and reinstalling games would be a pain in the arse. I just want to put the disc in and play right away! I'm sure he's said more about it, but tbh I tend to tune him out when he's ranting about games.
  21. usuxorz

    I want colorz too!
  22. usuxorz

    Mreow! Aaaaaaand, to make my comment super pervy/messed up (cuz I don't want to double post)
  23. usuxorz

    Age hardly matters to me (must be legal and probably shouldn't be 20+ years older). I look at personality, level of maturity, etc. I do normally prefer older men, but my current boyfriend is younger than me (by a whoooole year! lol) My parents had a 15 year age gap...
  24. usuxorz

    Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!
  25. If Japan actually did ban youtube, we'd lose out on a lot of awesome cat videos. ;_; (I really don't have anything to add to the conversation, can you tell? lol)
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