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Status Updates posted by usuxorz

  1. I got my phone back. All the rage has subsided. ^_^

    1. Tetora


      How did you get it back?

    2. beni


      Thank god. Happened to me once, not good at all. I'm glad it was returned/found!

    3. usuxorz


      I harassed my phone with Google's Android Device Manager at odd hours. A 3rd party returned it to me. XD

  2. Hiddlesloth <3

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      i endorse hiddlesloth 2016!

  3. Preparing for Black Friday... starting late this year.

    1. D.L.S


      I hope you make it out alive. may the force be with you~

  4. Met an amazing Irish gentleman on the train the other day....

    1. CAT5


      Loggins is an Irish name, so I'm sure he was a cousin of mine...or maybe a descendant of one of my ancestor's slave masters..XD

  5. Texting CAT5 is fun. XD "Assy" indeed!

  6. Miko from exist†trace is Sailor Mars. http://www.sailormoonband.info/

  7. I love 7 Seeds manga.

  8. Leaving Fresno and returning to LA now... Diru makes the trip slightly less tiring. But Berry has come up 4 times on shuffle in the past 90 minutes; I hope it's not a message about the noisy family seated in front of me.

  9. Ah, sweet nostalgia! My childhood best friend forever just had to go on and on about our juvenile record; my poor boyfriend was quite shocked and looked at me weird all day. XD

  10. Doom, doom, death, doom.

  11. Dear asshole who stole my phone, FUCK YOUR EVERY ORIFICE WITH A RUSTY MORNING STAR!!!

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