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Status Updates posted by usuxorz

  1. Ah, sweet nostalgia! My childhood best friend forever just had to go on and on about our juvenile record; my poor boyfriend was quite shocked and looked at me weird all day. XD

  2. Dear asshole who stole my phone, FUCK YOUR EVERY ORIFICE WITH A RUSTY MORNING STAR!!!

  3. Doom, doom, death, doom.

  4. Hiddlesloth <3

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      i endorse hiddlesloth 2016!

  5. I got my phone back. All the rage has subsided. ^_^

    1. Tetora


      How did you get it back?

    2. beni


      Thank god. Happened to me once, not good at all. I'm glad it was returned/found!

    3. usuxorz


      I harassed my phone with Google's Android Device Manager at odd hours. A 3rd party returned it to me. XD

  6. I love 7 Seeds manga.

  7. Leaving Fresno and returning to LA now... Diru makes the trip slightly less tiring. But Berry has come up 4 times on shuffle in the past 90 minutes; I hope it's not a message about the noisy family seated in front of me.

  8. Met an amazing Irish gentleman on the train the other day....

    1. CAT5


      Loggins is an Irish name, so I'm sure he was a cousin of mine...or maybe a descendant of one of my ancestor's slave masters..XD

  9. Miko from exist†trace is Sailor Mars. http://www.sailormoonband.info/

  10. Preparing for Black Friday... starting late this year.

    1. D.L.S


      I hope you make it out alive. may the force be with you~

  11. Texting CAT5 is fun. XD "Assy" indeed!

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