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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    can't wait to finally hear how they sound!
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    good to know that they finally release something new.
  3. YES! I'll surely order it!^^
  4. VkBrutaliaN

    absolutely killer stuff!!! already contender for TOP 3 of the best Vk releases of 2014 imo! really the vocals are so amazing and the guitars and just everything... i could go on forever how much i'm in love with that previews! 8D and on TOP with the last 10 seconds of the video their vocalist showed even that he can sing VERY GOOD too! srsly i NEED this cd - soooooo hope i can get it in my hands - sry i could literally go on forever cuz i'm so hyped right now. XD
  5. VkBrutaliaN

    the cover for the dvd looks really "psycho" and awesome!^^
  6. sounds great! just hope because of the AMAZING growl at the beginning of the breakdown that Jin will growl more often. ...wondering if the pv will be a bloody/brutal one... very excited to see the full pv.
  7. glad i already bought their first demo and preordered their 1st single today - sounds really good!
  8. VkBrutaliaN

    a few more very nice cds to add to my collection. ヴァリル - 深淵ノ果テ VRZEL – Thread + comment dvd DAMY – 『』 + special DVD “首吊り少女” + “言訳” making! 反逆的規制noize『ロゼロ』 - サイケデリックカラーマッシュルームミックスジュース + 特典 DVD:「裏ビデオ01」 フリンジ – Withered End フリンジ - 施餓鬼唄 フリンジ - 後遺症 フリンジ - 兇鬼犯乱絵 フリンジ – human error フリンジ – A TREASON Flyers
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    AvelCain - 夏の終-なつのおわり- DELACROIX – Re:do
  10. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds fantastic!
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    ohh fu** - limited to only 100 copies... hope i can get it because from the samples that's def the best material they ever made! it sounds absolutely awesome and way better then their previous songs which didn't really get me too hyped.
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    YES! just today i wished they would release something new and here we go! good timing from them.
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    i can't even express how impressive this sounds - this is absolutely AMAZING! hope they stick to that style.
  14. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds very good! but still why do they overprice their last cd so much..... therefore i just hope its a *like NEGA a couple of time had* 6-10 minutes long EPIC song. but we'll see...
  15. extremely disappointing... i had so high hopes for them but now not anymore. i already have RAVEN SCAVENGED RUBBISH which is a good song. "Here" sounds like it could be very good but the rest is just BORING!! glad i didn't already pre-ordered this but its really unfortunate that a band who started with so much potential went so much downhill within time - srsly they get more worse/boring with every release... - just my opinion of course. but to add something more positive > the cover-artwork looks great!
  16. ^ this. also may gonna try to get the indie cd store and the live limited version... - altough because of the title of the 2nd track on the live limited version i just hope its a real actual song and not like a only 1:40 long live snippet in horrendous quality. XD
  17. VkBrutaliaN

    surely gonna get this. 8D
  18. VkBrutaliaN

    if it will be all new songs this could be very good!
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    FINALLY! can't wait to hear it. their youtube preview sounds very nice. 8D
  20. VkBrutaliaN

    they sound really good so... excited for this.
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    that song sounds really good!
  22. VkBrutaliaN

    now i listened to their 2 songs like at least 20 times and i still love it! i seriously need to get my hands on their stuff! XD i always hoped for a band like this - although i gotta agree the singing is VERY, VERY weak but hey they're new and if they really keep that musical style from start to finish he don't need to sing that much anyways... but sure some improvement would be nice. also i am very curious to see how they will do in the long run and also because of their music how the japanese core community will react to them. 'cuz if the core fanbase will accept them i guess we eventually have a new era of this type of heavy bands popping out of nowhere, which would be really interesting.
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    @Gaz uhm... let me think about what you just said... yes some no actually a lot of people do care for other peoples collections! > look at other music communities not just Vk were it seems that nobody does. sure i could but i have a life and not the time to make 10 seperate videos previewing EVERY song on a god damn cd. so for people who are thankful one preview per cd is good enough. good you mentioned it! i know a person named "Gaz" who wanted to pay me a lot of money just for a cd rip of 3 songs!... remember that arse-kisser? no its just about showing/shareing your stuff with people who actually care. but thats a really big problem since years within the visual kei community. there are many people *like this specific arse-kisser mentioned above* who drown in jealousy and always give other people hate for it. - you want something, then do something for it and not always whine about everything and make other people responsible for it.
  24. VkBrutaliaN

    Well imo if they just giving us a 20 second teaser of a pv it's still considered promotion i guess!? The only stupid thing would be if they would just giving you the 20 seconds on yt but then never release it anywhere... But i gotta tell you i won't say anything on most of the rest you've said because it really is just opinion based so it would lead to nothing. - Also this here went pretty fast off topic imo since this whole discussion should be all about why youtube isn't anymore what it was some years ago when it comes to Vk. ;D Beside that your idea of Vk bands running ads on their official yt channels is kinda good... On the other hand how many people are using adblock? Also how many bands would let you sit through a 30 seconds ad for just a 1 minute long video - if even?? XD
  25. VkBrutaliaN

    i don't know if you got me correct on this one but i meant with most people don't care for previews, that for me if i see a good preview (means usually about 60-90 secs) and i liked it, i would go and buy it. but most people wouldn't until they got to know the whole thing. that's also why so many people claim to be downloading first. because they want to know the full thing before spending money on it... sure previews can be misleading but if its a good one then they normally don't. for example if you are a fan of 'em, the new MEJIBRAY pv preview for their upcoming single in september... the preview is kinda short but from watching it you surely already know it's going to be a heavy song and not a ballad... so if you like heavy songs you don't essentially need to see more to be able to judge if you potentially like it or not. - so i don't think bands need to upload full pvs in the first place to promote themselfs in a better way.
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