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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    great news and awesome new look!
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    OH yes finally something new from them - loving their other 2 singles so far! 8D
  3. VkBrutaliaN

    so happy i invested some time the last few days to listen a lot to Vermillion-D Alice Syndrome cuz they are extremely amazing! can't wait for the new album.
  4. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds amazing! glad although their look doesn't really match their music *imo* that they stick to that heavy sound.
  5. yesss! really loving their sound. *especially their heavy tunes*
  6. VkBrutaliaN

    OMG - thats some long ass time until their live limited single will be released! XD but anyway, like everything from them i need this.
  7. VkBrutaliaN

    Bitch, please. well sounded deff better then Diru so... and also sure MISS is ex Sacrifice but they only released 2 songs... and B.C's stuff, which is the main point here, sounds nothing like Dir en grey at all! but of course you need to have their stuff to be able to tell... lastly lets just stop and agree that we don't agree cuz this discussions never lead to anything.
  8. VkBrutaliaN

    @Elazmus i loved B.C! got all their releases and back in 2012 when i saw them live i even got myself about 12 cheki... so i am more than happy that MISS is back! @jon_jonz *still wondering why so many *** always have to make that shitty lame Dir en grey comparisons... its ridiculous!*
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    holy fucking shit! finally MISS is back! one of the most talented vocalists EVER!!! can't wait for a release and to get to know what kind of sound they'll have.
  10. VkBrutaliaN

    ^ this! XD
  11. meh... i was hoping for a new release anytime soon cuz i really like their new vocalist...
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    シアトリカルロックホラーミュージカル「ZAKLIA」 - 煉獄 + Vo. Kyoga チェキ シアトリカルロックホラーミュージカル「ZAKLIA」 - 『Jigsaw / 死体遺棄』 ヒステリックパニック - センチメンタル・サーカス + 憂&哀 pv & making of dvd Lost Valentine – Decision MiLLa – Misery
  13. sounds really good and thats exactly the way i wanted chizuru's new band to sound after regalia.
  14. also was speculating about something like this! can't wait for their first album.
  15. nice! hope it will be as good as their youtube uploads.
  16. hm... i liked their 2 first maxi singles but after them they went downhill pretty fast... their minialbum was very disappointing for me... the only good thing on it was the awesome breakdown in the song "Vanity"...
  17. VkBrutaliaN

    HOLY SHIT this one sounds amazing! i really like their new heavier sound - so hopefully their upcoming full length will mainly consist of such songs.
  18. OMG! that's so awesome! just got into them a few months ago and now i can finally look forward to something new from them. 8D
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    hm... the Call Me live dvd the new year song and the poster from the GOEMON RECORDS lucky bag would be pretty cool to have but the rest i dunno.... too bad they don't make a Call Me only lucky bag...
  20. wow sounds awesome! 8D and he changed his singing style which sounds also good but none the less i hope kanata will still sing a few parts like in their first release cuz the high singing was a little more unique.
  21. oh yes how long i've been waiting for their comeback! can't wait to listen to their new material! 8D
  22. VkBrutaliaN

    they definitely have potential.
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    finally! pretty curious to get to know how they sound.
  24. VkBrutaliaN

    BIOSPHIA – Suicidal Diva > Type B アヴァンチック – To Heart > Type B
  25. VkBrutaliaN

    too bad their minialbum can't be found anywhere online cuz compared to their demo single *for which the samples sounded very boring* their minialbum sounds absolutely fantastic.
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