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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds really great but now i am even more curious for previews of their new maxi single... wonder if they'll up some within the next few days...
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    they are still more miss than hit for me *only a couple of songs i like from 'em* but this 1 last second of the CM sounded very promising! XD
  3. VkBrutaliaN

    sure nobody forces me to buy it but I LOVE to buy cheki but in this case the price is really ridiculous and thats it... especially cuz in fact they are a new band and selling them for double the price of 99% of all other bands is really a joke...
  4. VkBrutaliaN

    now they upped the full "GOODS-list" on their OHP and wtf are they serious!?! 1000yen for 1 cheki?? are they major already and I missed something!? XD like srsly if i'll ever see them live i'm not sure if i wanna spend 1000yen for a cheki... 500yen are already more than enough but 1000!!!? come on!...
  5. VkBrutaliaN

    this song kinda makes me sad since its a cover of some XALTEA song... i sooo much whish that XALTEA would make a come back - I loved their music! >.>
  6. this might sound strange but i kinda hope they stop this "upload for free" stuff... cuz every song they put out so far is AMAZING and i really want to finally be able to buy something from them - so its a 2 edged sword kinda since they could've already easily released an minialbum with all these songs.
  7. VkBrutaliaN

    good lord i just can hope i am able to pick their 2 new releases up in august... *at least if they still sell their live limited demo album as well later onwards...)
  8. VkBrutaliaN

    they look nice... wonder if they'll be another electro core band - if yes i'd be interested! ;D
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    MeteoroiD - 黒薔薇 (Type A + B ) SLINGER - O Grande Amor DAMY - 加害者
  10. VkBrutaliaN

    indeed a very unexpected surprise and such a good one! 8D
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    both songs are great - really need to get this CD in my collection!
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    HOLY SHIT how awesome is that! my fav 2014 band is realising a demo album! 8D just wondering when they'll probably release the "real" version? maybe its the still unknown CD for their event held on 6.7.2015... AND OMG i LOVE their new look! tsukumo looks badass!
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    DAMN the covers look good!
  14. for my taste i only can say they never looked that good before! 8D
  15. VkBrutaliaN

    YES - can't wait! 8D
  16. i soooo can't wait for their new minialbum! ALL the song samples for their live distributed CDs sound fantastic so far!
  17. VkBrutaliaN

    yea the bonus track is included in the limited edition and it's on the end of the 5th track which is on the CD almost 24 minutes long! XD
  18. VkBrutaliaN

    AvelCain - おまじない (ltd. Edition) an absolutely superb release from start to finish!
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    new version of THE VIRTUES sounds amazing! really curious for their new offical CD whenever it'll come out...
  20. VkBrutaliaN

    nice topic already was thinking of starting a J-hip hop thread myself... anyways this song is just sick!! and also this one here - although its more Reggae
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    best Vk name all year! 8D and they look good too!
  22. hell yeah! didn't liked the song for may that much but this new song sounds as awesome as BLUE!
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    ^ well i remember back in the day when they released the preview to the original version on their official homepage and i wanted it so badly but never could get it... so in the end it was probably for the better that i got this version cuz the song is really great and i love kousuke's voice but well i can't compare which version is better in the end obviously^^°...
  24. hm... i kinda like the original version from their maxi single more than this new version...
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