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Posts posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. well it might he might as well upload all the songs then -.- 


    His fun will be over in a bit. He paid a lot of money for a couple weeks of attention. After the album drops, his Facebook will be a wasteland.

    Also, it's funny how he talks about "sharing resources" but is being unnecessarilly reserved about "sharing resources". Resources probably refers to information but still.


    This. lol  

  2. im not gonna even delete my account  since i have too many scrobbles i just decided im gonna leave my account there lol im thinking about deleting the desktop thing it wants me too update it but i refuse..


    i have the app on my phone... i might delete that too....

  3. im so mad i have spend more money again cause my fucking phone charger is acting up and now i have too 

    go and buy a new one..wut the fuck 


    ._. im never going to get this damn ps4 if i keep having spend money!!! AUGH...

    im gonna cry... 

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