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Posts posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. Mom comes in my room complaining about me eating food...omg mother YOU BE GONE ALL DAY LONG...WHAT THE FUCK AM IM SUPPOSE TO DO?

    WAIT  HERE AND WAIT FOR YOU TOO COME BACK?? mind you we have no food in this house cause we haven't when food shopping yet...

    but it seems like when i eat something i get bitch at...WTF im gonna just stop eating im getting tried of getting yelled over FUCKING FOOD what the fuck is wrong with people...

  2. i was gonna take a picture of the stuff i got but my camera phone sucks soo i'll just write the stuff i got recently...

    Sony Fashion Earbud 2 pairs(pink) 



    Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2(ps3)

    Soul Calibur IV(ps3)( i had to choose between soul calibur and tekken...and i picked soul calibur xD)

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2(ps3)

    Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor Edge(ps3)

  3. Wanted to join in again and link my one here once this time since the one time I did so on here was just saying it's in my sig and now I don't have the chart at all. xD So add me if you'd like!


    Koike-san, dat name. :'3


    i send you a friend request xD

  4. i keep saying im gonna play Ninja Gaiden but i don't >.< my cousin got me that game...i should play it x__x;;; i mean i've been wanting that game for the longest

    the least i can do is play it =_=;; maybe tomorrow i'll play it...(ahahahahaha....) no seriously..i gonna play it...if i remember xDD

  5. lol actually ignore what i said lol(i was half asleep typing that...) but anyways WHAT I MEANT TO SAY... the chains collar look was probably my favorite...

    okay im done..*walks out*

  6. Tumblr im literally on that site ALL day everyday(has no iife) Twitter i usually just sit there and check new tweets or searching...and i use Last fm well...for music..(duh) lol and sometimes i check Instagram once in a while and i also have a live journal but i barely use..live journal seems so boring lately...(well to me) also im on facebook alot too i normally just check updates or getting stupid game requests from people -____- leave me alone dammit... yeah that's pretty much all i use lmao i had ameba but...

    <.< i forgot about it...and yeah...

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