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Posts posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. sorry for being a idiot and posting that...I used that ignore button... 

    didn't mean too do that anger just took over me.. forgive me mods and I won't post like that again

    don't ban me... .__. I love this site a lot and I don't wanna get banned for my stupid temper I just had..


    forgive me... u___u

  2. I still remember the day I found one of their pv's on youtube...and I was in love with them...and since then they became my favorite

    band...it really sucks that they are breaking up...I wish they didn't but..oh well when I woke up and seen the news my heart litherally dropped and I wanted

    to fucking cry and I was ltherally shaking because I didn't wanna cry and of course I was piss off cause PEOPLE BUT ANYWAYS


    I hope they come back in the future with a new band and make more kick ass music ^____^;; and I will NOT be deleting them off my phone or my computer Im gonna listen to them forever and ever and I mean that im NOT just saying that... and im gonna try and NOT cry when I watch there pv's too... *sigh* such a sad day today...


    (i officially hate March 7 :3) also if you are a hater get.the.fuck.out. kbye

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