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Everything posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. kyoisKILLINGME

    i cant believe i spend 30 dollars on a game all i wanted was a damn 10 dollar psn card and then i seen dynasty warriors 8 xtreme legends thinking it was 10 dollars turns out it was the wrong sticker thingie on the game...the game was actually 17 dollars...THE HELL =_=;;; and i want dynasty 8 too... more money to spend :'D i hate having money sometimes
  2. DeadRose=Messiah

    1. kyoselflove



    2. paradoxal


      I was like who the hell is this messiah and why they are my friend XD

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      lmao sorry I should of said this earlier xD my bad

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  3. kyoisKILLINGME

    Seeing Lycaon on my dashboard on tumblr makes my heart brake even more...
  4. period decided it wanted to come what a great day ^___^

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      ...REALLY TETORA?!?! IM ROSE YOU JERK ;__; i changed my name...

    2. Tetora


      ( ; ゜Д゜)

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      don't make that face at me <_<

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  5. kyoisKILLINGME

  6. As much as I hate that site I actually hope that's true .__.
  7. time to spend more money on dlc's :/ i hate you dead or alive

  8. kyoisKILLINGME

    sorry for being a idiot and posting that...I used that ignore button... didn't mean too do that anger just took over me.. forgive me mods and I won't post like that again don't ban me... .__. I love this site a lot and I don't wanna get banned for my stupid temper I just had.. forgive me... u___u
  9. fuck people.i didn't do anything why i get a warning

    1. Biopanda


      wear it like a badge of honor. You're part of the gang now homie. YUNG BLOODS4LYFE

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. PsychoΔelica


      That's the only medal you gonna get here :)

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  10. kyoisKILLINGME

    sorry zess ._____.;;;
  11. kyoisKILLINGME

    SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP. (sorry I needed to let that out) forgive me mods .____.;;;
  12. kyoisKILLINGME

  13. I'm still shock about the news that I haven't been sleeping well...

  14. that was really painful to write...

  15. kyoisKILLINGME

    I still remember the day I found one of their pv's on youtube...and I was in love with them...and since then they became my favorite band...it really sucks that they are breaking up...I wish they didn't but..oh well when I woke up and seen the news my heart litherally dropped and I wanted to fucking cry and I was ltherally shaking because I didn't wanna cry and of course I was piss off cause PEOPLE BUT ANYWAYS I hope they come back in the future with a new band and make more kick ass music ^____^;; and I will NOT be deleting them off my phone or my computer Im gonna listen to them forever and ever and I mean that im NOT just saying that... and im gonna try and NOT cry when I watch there pv's too... *sigh* such a sad day today... (i officially hate March 7 ) also if you are a hater get.the.fuck.out. kbye
  16. kyoisKILLINGME

    today people are acting like a bunch fucking jackasses and I don't fucking like it TRYING MY BEST NOT TO SNAP NOT GOING SO WELL....
  17. I...UGH I have no words right now after reading that
  18. I seriously wanna cry right now it's not even funny anymore wtf man I didn't wanna wake up too that....

    1. Elazmus


      Yeah exactly

  20. my rant has nothing to with likes bitch shut the hell up im not fucking rich i cant buy all my favorite bands stuff so gtfo off my blog

  21. im sorry that im not a perfect smart ass who knows math!! leave me alone

    1. yukidogzombie


      *hugs* im bad at math

    2. beni


      Make that three. u-u *huggles*

  22. kyoisKILLINGME

    I love when my mom makes up shit that doesn't even happen its so annoying.. quit putting words in my damn mouth
  23. kyoisKILLINGME

    1.Dir en grey 2.Lycaon 3.Avelcain 4.Grieva 5.Royz 6.D.I.D 7.Mejibray 8.Nocturnal Bloodlust(sue me) 9.THE BLACK SWAN 10.the gazette this was hard cause I have a lot more then this xD but oh well
  24. kyoisKILLINGME

    o__o there's a like limit?!?! I ever knew that!!
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