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Dark Kinma

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Status Updates posted by Dark Kinma

  1. At 2,000 posts, I stop myself, closed my hell mouth, cute my goddamn fingers, building an igloo, go looking of Cody Lundin... maybe, i supposed...

  2. bass and amplifier: sold!

  3. Batista, The Animal return on WWE on RAW of 20th January! that's awesome

    1. Raburr7


      wow :D have stop watchin WWE some years now ;p got to check that out though ^^

  4. bill from PureSound receive! Ouch x_x , but well, it's for complete a discography ^^ !

  5. Camera Obscura, certainly the most boring album after Femme Fatale...

  6. Can you dig that, Sucka!

  7. can't access to last.fm and you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Champ213


      Why bother with anything? We could just sit in a corner all day and be gloomy. Anyway, it's back btw ;)

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      last.fm is great because I like charts

    4. Licio123


      they always crash on weekends, lol. Thankfully they're back

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Can't find a good picture of Kylo Ren lightsaber's for next tatoo idea !

    1. Tetora


      Yeah what if he is a clown in the movie.

    2. Tetora


      Like JarJar Binks 2.0

    3. Jigsaw9


      spoiler: is akshully KYO Ren

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Can't say why, but I start to appreciate what last.fm become ^^ !

    1. togz


      Yeah it's not so bad afterall

  10. d-11 and he is here ! the 2014 MASTERPIECE.

  11. D0 my AVENGER'S DEAD DIRGE's order shipped today ^^

  12. debrid your download link and don't be slow again ! http://debrid-link.fr/id/136042

  13. debrid your link and don't be slow again ! http://debrid-link.fr/id/136042

  14. DepositFiles suxxs! I can't Debrid it :/ !

  15. DEVIZE, Ache, VIVALET... what a great start year ^^

  16. DID EN GREY - W.O.D II isn't bad ^^ !

    1. yakihiko


      LOL Ryuujii

      I don't see D.I.D. Trying to sound like DeG xD

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      It's a joke ^^ ! I like the song !

    3. yakihiko


      I know lol

      I like the single too

  17. Did you know if PureSound ship to oversea ?

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      EMS sa ne me dérange pas du tout, c'est le mode d'envoi utiliser par closet child et brand-x et jusqu'ici (*touche du bois*) pas eu de frais de douane avec ce mode là.

      Merci de ta réponse ^^

    2. eiheartx


      tu as de la chance ;-; et de rien ;-)

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      J'i déjà eu des frais de douane en air mail par contre... (mais les deux fois c'était à cause des poster bonus..)

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  18. Div or Gazettô ? Hmm Fuck I choose アヲイ !!!

  19. Don't Give Me A Shit About My New Alive.

  20. Everybody get's stupid

  21. Everyone pays the bill, Justice isn't Free! Believe that! Believe in the Shield!

  22. Ex Umbra In Solem sounds so good, Rachel is a good vocal!

  23. Ex Umbra In Solem will be an awesome Ep by Eths, can't wait ^^!

  24. Extrême Rules was really extreme !

    1. Elazmus


      Or he should have just come up with a better match stipulation... like a real man, fella XD.

      Tag title match was on fire.

      I wish anyone in WWE had discussed the rules of the chain match.. the end was just nonsense XD

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      AHAH He Brock kick him and make the show off for Ziggler xD !

      New Day Suxx ^^!

      And Big Show vs Reigns was really extreme, hope reigns will compete for title soon, he deserve it

    3. Tetora


      Yeah I was tired of Big Show vs. Reigns on RAW but they made a good match last night.

      I didnt like New Day but they put on a great show and made a good thing out of their situation, they are becoming more entertaining.

      Also hopefully Cena v Rusev I Quit Match is extreme as well.

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