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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma

  1. so i guess its just a collection, all their releases so far was live limited right?

    NO, all of them are on CDJapan.



    ^ This is all their songs... XD

    Not because they have just 8track that we does considerate a "8 track album" like an "complete album"... soon they will considerate a 3 track release + 1 Pv dvd like an album...

  2. Train isn't exepensive, if you see at the good moment you can find good pirce, already find a "aller-retour" from Metz to Montpellier only for 30€ in 1st class TGV ^^

    and train is less expensive to use a car (gazoil is exepensive, highway tax is exepensive, ect...)

    But I see 31st march is over, so we are a little be late to answer xD hope you find an help from somewhere else

  3. 469109WP20150413001.jpg


    what is it exactly ? it's the promo cd of de audio live who are inclued in UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living…- AT NIPPON BUDOKAN (I guess only on the limited edition of this live dvd), it's was sent to shop (or radio) for making promotion.

  4. i dont know if this is mentioned here but I just heard that Rey Mysterio accidently killed Pedro Aguayo jr. (mexican wrestler) from a flying kick. this is a first for me to hear someone to die in a ring.

    happened not to long ago.

    all im thinking is damn..

    I just see this on fb and I imagine that was a joke.

    It's really tragic hope he can pass over this accident and come back.


    But we don't repeat enough that wreslting is dangerous, keep safe and don't try this !

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