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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma


    No clue how the extension works technically but there should be a thread on it somewhere in hydrogen audio for the details on a technical level. But just google it, and there should be instructions on how to install in one of the searches. It isn't too complicated.




    2. Unpack to your foobar2000 components-folder.
    3. Start foobar2000 and open Preferences > Tools > Audioscrobbler.
    4. Enable, then login with your Last.fm credentials and hit OK.


    It's working, I will try like this ^^

    thank's for your help !

  2. I using Foobar, and I have still the same problem ! Memory cache and tracks appears in double.

    I think we can just wait of the fixing problem by last.fm ... I guess in two or three century...


    Edit 17h35 :

    I have uninstall scrobbler of my computer et re-install properly it, problem still working xD !


    I have read on internet, if the track was put in the memory cache, it's because scrobbler isn't connect to last.fm, do you confirm this ?


    18h00 : Apparently, after uninstall and re-install and use only one account on the scrobbler, it's working good, for the moment but still making double. I will check if it's good working the rest of the day, and week end.

  3. Yeah, have a problem when I scrobble with Last.fm program's :


    All my listening go under the "memory cache" and after, by some miracle, it's appears on my profil, the music who I has listening is on double or triple (and this count on my total listening)


    What I can made for this ?


    I listening music on WMP and I'm not on the new "betâ".

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