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Posts posted by Valicious

  1. I really need a job, I hate feeling like I'm doing nothing with my life.  I'm so sick of being dead broke all the time, and barely scraping by- sometimes by sheer luck- every month.  I have a 4-year university degree in business admin and marketing, I've applied for hundreds of jobs, had many interviews, and always am given BS reasons (often contradicting themselves) as to why I'm not a good fit.


    After nearly two years of this, I'm starting to feel rather worthless.

  2. One of our missions at RarezHut has always been the archival of analogue VK that might otherwise get lost to the sands of time,  What does everyone think of providing a reduction in fees for cassettes and VHS orders?  We've been considering doing a spotlight section of items that DESERVE to be immortalized in high-quality, and we would waive 100% of fees for these.



  3. The last day to place orders for this shipment with RarezHut Imports is Feb. 17th!  For these last two days, we are lowering our rates too.  Email us at [email protected]


    Really want a certain release but can't find it?  Send us an email, and we'll be glad to help you track it down.  We have over a decade of experience in hunting down rarities, and it's turned us into rarez bloodhounds.

  4. Oh wow, this is pretty cool!  I have a special place in my heart for anyone trying to lessen the gap between visual kei and foreign fans.  Biopanda, another user here, and I run a webstore called RarezHut for used visual kei and Jrock based out of New Mexico, USA.  Sending uou a PM

  5. I run 1 hour 3-4 days a week. gibe me free vk plx.


    nah jk. im too lazy to document my training, but going vegetarian/vegan has had a great output on my weight loss. not that i was overweight to begin with, but it still feels nice. 


    How long are your runs?  Do you find that running outside/on a trail is easier to keep going and push yourself than on something like a treadmill?  I'd imagine it would be, but I have no experience.

  6. Reading this thread got me inspirated to go for a walk! :D We will see... Sadly I have a schedule problem today, so probably not happening 8<


    If you're ever even standing in place (in the kitchen maybe) you could job in place.  When sitting, you could do legs raises (similar to those in my video).  Tightening your stomach muscles and holding them that way for 5-10 seconds is about equivalent to a crunch, so you could do that too!

  7. I was part of the previous thread :) just as a heads up, if you're trying to build strength you need to reduce the reps waaaaay down otherwise you're merely doing cardio. If you can add weight to your exercises then this will help build strength. In general -

    3-6 reps for strength

    8-12 reps for hypertrophy

    15+ reps for endurance



    I've tried adding weights to my routine before, to varying success.  The best method for me, judging from past experience, is to build up endurance, get to 6 reps of 50, then add small weights once the 6x50 reps becomes no longer challenging.  My muscles might be different in the fact that too much weight makes it so I can't move at all.  Gravity seems to be acting as enough of a weight right now, and my first step is to make it si gravity offers negligible resistence.

    All that being said, I'll see if I can find the resistance bands I have around here....somewhere.



    Welcome to the new thread nullmoon!

  8. I'm starting to exercise more and more every day, and I'm using this thread to help motivate me.  Biopanda has been exercising with me too!  I just hope others will join us in the thread,


    I've managed to steadily increase the number of sets of the various exercises I do in my wheelchair, along with the 'frog kicks' I do while lying down on the floor.


    My routine is specific since I can't do regular exercises

    (video is from a few years ago when I was in A LOT better shape, but I still do the same routine)


    50 or each exersise in the chair comprises one set.  So far my best is 3 sets of 50.  (I used to be able to do 6 sets, working back up to that.

    The 'frog kicks' and 'leg sweeps' you see while I'm on the ground are currently at 5 sets of 50 and 2 sets of 50 respectively.  (I used to be able to do 2 sets of 250 frog kicks and 2 sets of 100 of leg sweeps)

    My main goal for now is to build back some of my muscle.  Muscle strength is more important than weight loss to me right now.


    I really just want to have a flat stomach again, which is tough since my abs are seriously weakened by my Charcot Marie Tooth.  I did it before though, and I WILL KICK THIS DISABILITY'S ASS



    So what workouts is everyone else doing?

  9. The order winder dates are now firm and no longer estimates!


    Deadline for orders to absolutely go out in this shipment is now Feb 17th (previously Feb 11th)


    Everything will be shipped to New Mexico on Feb 29th (previously Feb 20th)



    RarezHut Imports has been a great success in only the few weeks since it launched.  Thank you to everyone who have placed orders with us so far, and we hope to hear from many more of you in the next few weeks <3

  10. Effective January 17th, 2016, USPS raised their rates across the board. Most notable is a 21% increase for first class international mail, as well as not giving a discount for paying for shipping online anymore. We are currently in talks with other shipping companies about getting discounts to make shipping more affordable. (We ship over 100lbs/month)

    RarezHut is working nonstop so that our customers are not punished by this increase. We'll keep everyone updated as we learn more.

  11. Added a description of our Digital Copies service to the OP.  


    After running more simulations that I can count, we have also reduced our fees from 13/15% to 10/13%!


    Digital copies:
    Along with any cassette/VHS purchases, we offer high-quality digital copies made with professional-grade equipment free-of-charge. We realize that not everyone has the means to play these aging formats, but we aim not to let that get in the way of you being able to enjoy them!

  12. We are continuing to send out shipping invoices, thank you for your patience :)
    We apologize that it's taking slightly longer this time. Panda started school this week, and his Game Dev and C++ classes are not going easy the first week. Valicious wishes she could help, but stupid useless hands are not allowing that. We are forsaking sleep tonight in an effort to finish packing, weighing, and invoicing for all 30+ packages.

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