I sort-of enjoyed their first album...but it was short, bland at times, and poorly mixed and produced on certain tracks -- so naturally going into this new album I was expecting something more, especially with Stars Faded In Slow Motion.
I wasn't disappointed! I would go as far as to call this a SERIOUS contender for Album of the Year, and one of the BEST metalcore releases of all time. Each track blends extremely well into the next, and presents that sheer presence of what an album should -- their first wasn't able to do this. Their first was simply rough ideas pasted together to come up with a good outline of what was to come, but it was still premature.
There are absolutely no bad tracks on this album either. Each track just smashes you in the face, yet, have their own unique qualities to make them discernible from the rest. Oh and the production quality is pretty good! Several steps up from their first album.
If there is any complaint, it is the overpowering synth and the mixing of the synth on certain tracks. The band would be phenomenal without so much synth-intervention, but it has its place. I feel like this is thoroughly shown with the new Stars Faded in Slow Motion where the guitars are CONSISTENTLY drowned out to give way for the synth.
Overall: 9.5/10 Amazing songs, some of the best presented in a bland metalcore scene...but that synth irks me sometimes.