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Everything posted by relentless

  1. relentless

    this shirt: http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.js ... rod1030396
  2. relentless

    It would be awesome to see the band do an acoustic show. They could rework songs if necessary, and really build off of that. I could picture it being done in a small live house with candles lit everywhere and cool statues etc. It would be amazing. Almost like MTV Unplugged.
  3. relentless

    Management is what oversees everything about touring. Last time I checked, I don't really think D'espairsRay had any official promoters / organizers other than their own management. And though they can't lose money, the people invested can, and that can always be a problem because you have to eventually pay them off. They've toured a total of 3 times I think? The first was that Coll:Set tour where they played a few dates in around 300 person venues. The second was in Taste of Chaos with big name American bands. The third was their last tour which saw many near-empty venues. Most were half full at most! That one show was even cancelled because no one bought tickets to it. Touring the US is very very expensive if you're doing a headlining tour, especially for Japanese bands -- and this did not pay off.
  4. relentless

    This is going to be great! The length is about right, all is well!
  5. relentless

    Throughout the single there are hints of greatness, but just like the rest of their releases since BEFORE I DECAY, it left me incredibly underwhelmed. It's a shame, but hopefully they shape up soon!
  6. relentless

    I have an acquaintance who worked with the band on their US tour -- and apparently the band has owed some serious money to their management because of the failure of their US tour. This has brought some to question the inner workings of the band. I've always found this whole situation interesting -- but it could be nothing but conspiracy theory. Who knows.
  7. relentless

    ^ yeah. There will always be those 2 or 3 people that feel so strongly about their opinions that shit storms will ensue. There's a few other forums which are worse, this one seems relatively tame.
  8. relentless

    time to pay off all that god damn debt they owe. And time for Hizumi to stop playing sick.
  9. relentless

    regardless of how it sounds, it's obvious that there will be a huge shit storm of backlash from either side. I plan on disappearing for a few weeks after the release xD
  10. relentless

    break me just sounds terrible...i feel so bad that this band once had potential but are slowly dying away. oh wellll
  11. relentless

    troll. the original was terrible...and was from their worst "album". Jeez Dir en grey will make this bad song much much muchhh better, I'm sure of it!
  12. relentless

    yeah that's from 2009 during the US tour in NYC i believe!
  13. relentless

    1 track for the equivalent of 8 dollars? LOL!
  14. relentless

    @pretsy: "current style"? Which is...?
  15. relentless

    so when that pereztroika (or whatever it is) band fails, they fall back on this? Classy.
  16. relentless

    you know...glass skin sounds almost nothing like the rest of uroboros...yet it flows well. Perfectly actually. My problem with lotus is that it almost goes nowhere. There is no inherent progression of sound throughout...it just remains stagnant. Other than that I liked it...but not as much as hageshisa to. Hageshisa to was just great! I picture lotus being in the last half of the album. Maybe even the second to last track because of its sound which is very reminiscent of closure. Yes...I think that would follow nicely.
  17. relentless

    Well...the band has stated that they are planning on doing something that they have never done before. The point of UROBOROS was to sum up all of their years as a band so they could move on. They have moved on from their previous stuff. So if this doesn't fit a previous Dir en grey theme, I'd say it's because this is not the same band that released UROBOROS or anything else they've released. We are going to see a completely different band. @Tokage: I remember Die saying that LOTUS was going to sound different. But I'd say that's because they are going to choose someone else to mix / master the new album. So it will have a completely different sound. I've heard nothing about re-working the songs entirely.
  18. relentless

    Just because you don't like a certain genre of music doesn't mean it's shitty. Lol, please stop trying to present your narrow opinions as fact. That'd be greatly appreciated. thx
  19. relentless

    I can picture The End Records getting restless..waiting for the band to release SOMETHING! So I bet they'll sell the new album (though it'll show up a little after pre-orders begin for Japan). Regardless...I am totally ordering that special edition despite its price. I loved UROBOROS on vinyl!
  20. relentless

    Cryptopsy is nothing like their old style. And if anything, it's very hard to say what Dir en grey's "current sound" is because they've only released 3 songs since the release of UROBOROS and they are all vastly different (Hageshisa to, Warushawa, and LOTUS). I remember a lot of people were saying that Hageshisa to sounded a lot like Bring Me The Horizon -- and though wrong I could hear strong similarities in structure. This could be the same thing where there are slight similarities but both are vastly different.
  21. relentless

    "??ん??DIFFERENT SENSE??????cryptopsy?? worship your demons ??似??る?????????????????俺????…??よ??orz " from: http://mixi.jp/view_diary.pl?guid=ON&id ... d=20708537
  22. relentless

    ^ totally agree. there's a lot of melody from the sounds of it throughout the song. It's been described as something that is structured like Hageshisa to and Gaika, Chinmoku...so I definitely expect melody. But I also expect something disturbingly heavy. Idk. All I know is, is I am trying SOOO HARD to keep my expectations to a minimum so I don't get let down like I did with LOTUS D: I agree with Chianti...the person was probably a Cryptopsy fan! lol.
  23. relentless

    lolll. wow I posted the WRONG LINK! Hold on let me post it real quick hahaha. sorry about that! Here is the actual link: Someone said DIFFERENT SENSE sounds a lot like this song. Lol.
  24. relentless

    So I was reading some fan reactions to DIFFERENT SENSE, and one person said that it sounds somewhat like this song but with more melody, an acoustic outro, and more "all over the place" Not even kidding...this person seriously said it sounds like this: EDIT: This is the link. I accidentally posted a link to a random vid so here it is. Link is on other page as well inb4 shitstorm
  25. relentless

    Agitated Screams of Maggots still stands as one of my favorite DEG songs of all time! When I first heard it, I hated it. I was like "they are all screamo nowww MEEHHHH". but then I really listened to it and now I absolutely love it! How can you NOT love this?!
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