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Everything posted by relentless

  1. relentless

    @Tokage: haha no, I don't have any Swedish friends...I don't think so at least lol! xD
  2. relentless

    I know...it is kind of weird. I would rather not question it though...I'm very sorry. I remember when Dir en grey played Zan at the 3.25 Male Only live, everyone was trying to get the bootleg of it. This guy was hoarding it, and when he finally released it I listened...and it was a TERRIBLE japanese cell phone recording. You couldn't hear anything. that was the low moment for me as a Dir en grey fan lol.
  3. relentless

    The only "source" that I have, is the file on my computer. Guess you'll just have to wait till the single is released to determine if I'm lying or not, I'm ok with that.
  4. relentless

    lol nope. I live in Canada / was born in Quebec.
  5. relentless

    No, my descriptions were of when I heard the song earlier today.
  6. relentless

    I promised a friend I wouldn't, there's a reason why it hasn't surfaced yet -- and my friend is hoarding it. Sorry.
  7. relentless

    I heard a radio rip. My apologies, I have no idea D:
  8. relentless

    I've just heard DIFFERENT SENSE. It's been being played on Japanese radio for sometime now, just no one has really noticed it lol. Tsumi to Kisei still remains a mystery to me.
  9. relentless

    I hope it does too! That punch is something that has been missing from DEGs recent work. Hageshisa had punch...DIFFERENT SENSE does too, mostly because they're finally starting to work with the best engineers in the business. @Furik: Hmm...sort of not really. It's not as fast paced as both of those songs, the beginning has a lot more chugging and drum fills from the sounds of it. It's not like anything that the band has done before, they're in a completely different realm making completely different music. It's very hard to describe.
  10. relentless

    What do you mean? The song just starts. There's no opening intro like with every other dir en grey song. The song just opens up heavy-hitting. I just heard the beginning and it's madness. Sure there's chugging, in fact this is the closest DEG has ever come to some sort of "TRUE METAL SOUNDDZZZ" (which is nice to hear), but it's not just chugging, there's layered guitar work and some cool vocals. It really is all over the place. Their guitar sound in this track sounds a lot like Slipknot's off of All Hope Is Gone. And I don't mean the guitar work, I just mean the overall production sound of the guitars. That deep crunch which just sounds badass. But of course that's not all the song is. It is so much more than that
  11. relentless

    DIFFERENT SENSE is going to be excellent. 5 minutes to cram all of these varying sounds and styles is going to be an incredible and chaotic experience. Can't wait! oh and apparently: the song starts of with growling and "brutality", according to a friend of mine. There is no intro like EVERY OTHER deg song. This should be fun!
  12. relentless

    the dreambox title has me sort of confused lol. it roughly translates to "「DREAMBOX in the nest of craving??or a mature idea and cold rain, philosophy", but it's a play on words just like the other japanese titles on the album. As for its clear meaning...i have no idea haha
  13. relentless

    The Omega Order, I would say, is the overall best option then. The CD by itself is only 10.99, and the bundle is 39.99? Excellent pricing!
  14. relentless

    it's ridiculous. You constantly bitch to get attention. And when you don't get it, you persist with these rude comments that aren't necessary. You may think you're edgy with some of these HIGHLY constructive ramblings that would put a 5 year old to shame, but no one is impressed. At least I'm not, so stop being so annoying and chill out. You're seriously one of the most annoying people I have ever seen on a forum...honestly.
  15. relentless

    your trolling, though cute at first, has become old and tired -- and pretty annoying. Your comments have become increasingly less original and less constructive, and are now just obnoxious pissing and moaning. Please stop. If you don't like the band, then just gtfo and stop being a punk.
  16. relentless

    lol it looks nothing like the cover art of a Gargoyle album.
  17. relentless

    there's nothing wrong with the cover, it does exactly what a cover should do -- and portray the overall theme of the album. It does it's job. Sorry that there's no hot k-pop guys, or br00tal skullz and stuff. And what Kaoru was getting at, was the hageshisa to and different sense are the softer songs on the album. The rest is quite heavy. something i'm excited for
  18. relentless

    The cover is awesome. I don't know why there's all this hate when 99% of Vk covers cranked out are of: 1. landscapes to give the impression that they're free spirits! 2. castles / medieval themes for the versailles kids who like to LARP 3. Skulls because thats so brutal 4. and generally the dumbest and poorly thought out crap imaginable the statue may be the same as the tattoo kyo has on his back.
  19. relentless

    tracks that caught my attention the most: The Blossoming Beezlebub: Definitely picturing something that starts off soft and then gets heavier and heavier. Like vinushka perhaps but more BR00TAL? Diablos: 'nuff said. Decayed Crow: at first though of that Sadie track, and the title sort of feels out of place to me, but i would love to hear this! Ruten no Tou: translates to "Tower of Vicissitudes", which yields some AMAZING imagery. And such a great word, Vicissitudes. lol
  20. relentless

    love the art work and track list. it all seems to follow a very interesting theme that i cant wait to explore when the album comes out!
  21. relentless

    I imagine with this news that the album will be released sometime this year. At this point the band has picked up momentum from their US tour and festival appearance, so I can picture Yoshiki really engaging more marketing (his last FM radio show) to get more support before they progress forward. People may say they should never have come back...but the fact that their US tour was extremely successful which was surrounded with critical acclaim, Yoshiki and the rest of the band know that they have a chance to really break through into greater popularity overseas than previously. If anyone can succeed in the US, it's Yoshiki. He's a very very smart guy despite being the butt of many jokes lately.
  22. relentless

    Nothing that had me excited, but something that I wouldn't mind checking out.
  23. relentless

    ^lol yess Basically this is what I've heard about the song: 1. Structured A LOT like Hageshisa to and Gaika chinmoku -- very BRUTAL parts paired with light parts (but heavier than lotus) 2. It ends exactly like Lotus does 3. Live it is 5 minutes 4. The teasers are the different parts of the chorus 5. The second teaser is just before the 30 second solo
  24. relentless

    Yeah my guess is that they're growls. but if toshiya were to do some inward screaming...or at LEAST attempt it...id be content!
  25. relentless

    apparently: The first teaser with the screaming is the opening of the chorus, this second teaser is the second half of it. And live, Toshiya does the screams in the first teaser while Kyo does the clean vocals.
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