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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. I liked sums theme and flow overall, but I feel they have to do a more calm and mature kind of music now, with harder riffs for climaxes. The great contrast with scums would also help, I think.

  2. I really struggle to pick a side when this subjet comes up. I really think both phases have the same quality. A few really good bands, a ton of mediocre bands and a buch of groups I like from each era wich are good sometimes but also quite bad in most cases. 


    I think some people may miss the style of the older VK scene because it suits their tastes better, but I think that in therms of pure quality I could not decide wich one is superior. But it's reasonable to anyone to prefer 90's output due to the influences the musicians had back then. 


    I personally like the music released between 2000 and 2009 most, but I think 1994 and 1998, 2006 and 2008 were the best VK years. This new decade is really unexciting for me though. It needs new faces taking it in another direction. 

  3. They posted a lot of studio pics on twitter,  they always do when recording albums, so I was kind of expecting this. I liked everything they have done so far, I look forward to their new album. I just hope it's a full album like Black Including All.

  4. Yes, that one. It seems it's just for that, feels a little strange though. Mainly because of him not touring is within the band. Maybe he got the money he wanted and he is thinking of leaving the band? I think it's not a secret he and Bansaku went band to baroque because boogieman was making them bleed some money.

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