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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. The attitude of some of the members make me feel like you paid something to get this service and ended up not getting exactly what you want. This this is something that exists and you enjoy purely because the love and money of other people.


    I understand that you feel like people is overdemanding, and there is no way your point is invalid in an abdsolute way. But as you said this site exists thanks to the passion for japanese music, passion that even drove you to invest money on the site's continuity. But please, consider that if there's people talking about this in this thread it's because they also care quite a bit about MH  and want it to be a better place. This is not about making you feel bad about how "bad" MH is now, it's about the people that likes it a lot wanting it to be a better place tomorrow. I undesrtand it's frustrating but I could bet nobody in this thread wrote to piss you off. But it's the risk you go into when running a service for everyone for free. You run into the expectations that offering any service and the problems of it not being a business, but I gess that's a tale for another night.



    We are in agreement that the staff isn't as active that we all once were in our prime. But neither is the community. Pointing fingers will get us no where fast. Throwing people out and reshuffling is purposeless if it is done to just appease a few people. Lets say that the staff posts a lot more...does that give us the active community that we want? Maybe yes, maybe no. And it will not happen at the flip of a switch, it will be a slow burn. The success of this forum rests on everyone here, and absolutely none of you are obligated to do anything. If the love isn't there, then MH will die.


    This it's true. It allways amazed me how many moderators/admins/people with exotic colors on their names were and how small/none impact this had on the forum level of manteinance. But there are 7000 people here. Fucking 7000!. About 30 are active and invested in the site at most (not counting fancy colored names, just usual yellows) and one of those holds about 70% of the actitity of the forum probably more if we talk about debate activity. 


    This is ridiculous. Moderation looking at their bellys is an issue, but the shame is on almost everybody that is not Trombe or a frequent uploader, with a couple of exceptions I gess.


    And we can not blame it on the download leeches. They would never make this commuty interesting. If they annoy us, there are ways we can clean them out of this place. But that would not make any difference if we, "invested veterans" don't do something to make this an active, interesting community.


    I tried to do my part when proposing the CD purchase coordination threads and the collection threads wich I abandoned due to the lack of interest in the first case and the overleeching and ridiculous amount requests form people with 0 messages and such on the second one. I left those ideas that may have helped, so blame on me. I will try to come back to them and think about more things that I can do to boost actitivty. But no one can do that if the rest of the MH that wants it to be interesting don't support it. Let's do this together. There is no other way.


    As people has shown their will to fix the mod issue in this thread, i see it hypocrytical of us not to open a new thread or discuss elsewhere ways we regular users could make MH better.


    On the staff side of things, it's all about motivation. Few motivated people can do more than an army of e-personalities that don't care at all. Motivation runs off quickly, so rotation is key. Get involved, set a tone of debate that is good. Care.


    About what MH is or what we want it to be, I don't think that's an issue at all. Forum are user driven. The topic is asian music. The active commutity will drive the frum to a more specfic field. But before we need an active community willing to drive MH somewhere.

  2. I really like the design and layout. A couple questions (sorry if answered before in any other DS thread):

    -How is it related to MH? I mean that I want to know in wich ways the two sites will interact with each other. Maybe MH will be the future DS forum, or the community mentioned in OP?

    -Is there anything decided in terms of criteria for artists visibility on the page? In the visual example Kai shows a Plastic Tree feature wich is news related. I understand this probably a placeholder but it got me thinking about if the featured bands would be based on news, database updates or any other factor.

  3. madygrain, your negative, frustrated and provocative talking is really annoying. you would do every one a favor if you just shut up. 


    If you can not deal with other people's points of view, I suggest you don't get in the internet very often. 


    you are not cool. you are not sarcastic.


    Not trying to. 


     If you are not interested in bands, ignore them.


    I already do. Having a negative opinion about them doesn't mean not caring.


    don't bother people with your annoying negative talking.


    I don't have a filter for knowing wich of my comments annoy who. If you don't want to read what I have to say, don't. You can see my nickname on the left of every post i write. Maybe you can use this for living a more relaxed life here on mh.


    and btw: boogieman will never return.


    I know, and thank god. Looking (and listening) back I really don't have any Idea why would they do music together. I gess mediocre people attract each other and like doing mediocre things together.


    so please leave this forum, and find finally a psychologist. your behavior is not normal. but I think you already know that, right?


    True. So you think some treatment will make a normal person out of me? That's actually flattering.


    Why don't you use your regular account to post this? If you really believe what you say you shouldn't fear for your e-reputation here.

  4. I would say L'arc en ciel are more known for Drink it Down specifically, at least as "weaboo level", as OP would say. 


    Pretty surprised about the division about X japan. I would say Art of Life its their flag song. Maybe we could agree on Malice Mizer having Mizerable for that?

  5. Liked this bands' covers from Penicillin and hide repectively. Are they any good? Any good point for start listening to them and knowing what to expect from the rest of their discography? Thanks in advance.


    Posted this here randomly, it may be better suited for the artists subforum but I really don't know. If anyone thinks it should be moved go ahead. 

  6. they r active for more than 10 years


    That's me most surprising part, bet won't be much longer. Not that I think this weak solo attepts will pay their bills anything, they are as bad together as they are on small stinky chunks.


    I would have never expected two nightmare stans fighting each other on MH but this has apparently just happened 


    Aiyuurika's enthusiams may make doublecount but I don't think she's fighting with herself just yet.
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