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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by RED RUM

  1. RED RUM

    Aaah this will be so good! I'm so glad these guys will release something new!
  2. RED RUM

    Hope it will be a new Nihilizm song
  3. RED RUM

    It sounds really good! Looking forward to this one!
  4. RED RUM

    I wonder how long it will take for 6 to quit music the third time. I'm really glad Kei is back though!
  5. RED RUM

    Like this a lot more than kureshan. Gorgeous!
  6. if dawngo wouldn't be so super strange with all their rules I would download it orz
  7. RED RUM

    so excited Haven't been so excited in YEARS ♡
  8. I can't wait for gossip's demo single. Hope the mail man hurries the fuck up.

    1. kyoselflove
    2. stylelover


      its (mostly) worth the wait!

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      I want to hear it as well ;-;

  9. they are part of Ains. Remember how quickly DIAURA got a new drummer? I guess it won't take THAT super long.
  10. RED RUM

    Who would have guessed.
  11. I actually have lost every bit of overview when it comes to their (live limited) releases. So productive.
  12. RED RUM

    You simply got to love how everyone is totally NOT interested in this band and still they comment ♡ I really really like the preview.
  13. RED RUM

    Oh I have missed him!
  14. RED RUM

    It's like an unwritten rule to never ever ever form a band with someone ex DI3SIRAE because they will vanish for "family reasons" and come back two weeks later with a new band which they will drop after a few months for "family reasons" again.
  15. I really hope they come back. It would be the best thing ever.
  16. RED RUM

    omg lol
  17. RED RUM

    lol at people thinking it's a fashion style. Are you some sort of retarded for believing people would make something like this up? I don't know him personally (of course) but in general people suffering from schizophrenia can't get cured completely but there still is a chance that they find the right medication which could help him with the symptoms caused by his schizophrenia so it doesn't mean he stays locked up for the rest of his life and in case they find the medication and he takes them as he is supposed to he might feel better someday so I don't think that the band is completely off tables but it might take a while. Antipsychotics/Neuroleptics might not be the best medication out there but it is NOT impossible that he might feel better at some point. I really hope he does because he really is an amazing musician.
  18. RED RUM

    I doubt that Saki and Otogi stick around tbh which sucks because Otogi's voice is extremely amazing.
  19. RED RUM

    I actually love the tracks a lot! tbh I like it more than anything DIR have released within the last 5 years?
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