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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by RED RUM

  1. RED RUM

    I'm looking forward to it.
  2. RED RUM

    I'm looking forward to it ♥
  3. RED RUM

    I don't like the previews.
  4. RED RUM

    this was fast
  5. RED RUM

    I really like this song! More than I liked anything by Vellga.
  6. RED RUM

    Eh it sucks. =/
  7. RED RUM

    I'm excited!
  8. I'm looking forward to it. I like Lc5 more than AnCafe so I hope Lc5 will stay.
  9. RED RUM

    Thank you, I bought my tickets last night!
  10. RED RUM

    big drummers band XD "next step: world domination" X'D
  11. RED RUM

    LOL. I don't really care about POPCORE but every drummer seems to leave. Do they plan something, seriously?
  12. RED RUM

    Looking forward to it. ♥
  13. RED RUM

    Can't... deal with... the stupidity... of this post ^ Thank you.
  14. Aah~ It still takes ages!
  15. RED RUM

    I feel sorry for them..I don't want them to disband.
  16. RED RUM

    wow.. didn't expect this.
  17. RED RUM

    I'm looking forward to it ♥
  18. RED RUM

    I hope they will find a new vocalist soon..
  19. RED RUM

    I'm so excited...!
  20. RED RUM

    Does someone know where and when to buy the tickets for the lives in Germany?
  21. RED RUM

    It's not like "living in Germany" means it's not hard to get to Bochum somehow. I live very far away from Bochum too and I also have to pay lots of money for train tickets and whatnot..
  22. Hopefully someone will sell it on mbok or something..
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