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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by RED RUM

  1. RED RUM

    Somehow it's never good to have a (session)band with Loui... he's a good drummer though.
  2. RED RUM

    yay baroque is back but I don't want Ryou to work too much...
  3. RED RUM

    That is sad. I still hope they will find a support guitarist.
  4. I bet "LAST WISH -Piano Ver.-" sounds very beautiful.
  5. So we might have a chance to get the CDs this time? XD
  6. RED RUM

    Next time you'll know ne ;D Closet Child had it up for sale & they ship overseas.
  7. RED RUM

    Or (just a suggestion =D) support your favourite bands and buy their CDs?
  8. Damn you. live-limited releases! :x Happy Birthday Trombe!!
  9. RED RUM

    I hate how much I actually paid for the Meteorite Ark live-limited CD. but yay, I like NEXX & their songs!
  10. RED RUM

    My LAGING discography. Simply because I love this band & it's not that easy to get these CDs.
  11. RED RUM

    I have no idea what you mean with 'they really don't need to do this to themselves' because they like SCREW and Sadie (It's Kaitos favourite band) & as long as they enjoy it and as long as they are still active I am thankful for ANY session live they have, even if it's an Ayumi Hamasaki session.
  12. RED RUM

    It's not like Ryuji is a good vocalist so I'm not going to miss him much, I still liked the band though.
  13. I was thinking the same for a while now.
  14. RED RUM

    The full version is boring too =/
  15. RED RUM

    I wasn't sure about their first single either but maybe their second single is going to be awesome.
  16. RED RUM

    I wish they would sound as awesome as they look like..
  17. RED RUM

    Es ist das ganze PV drauf (9:xx Minuten) Und mit Versand würde es 8 € kosten, ist das für dich okay?
  18. Actually they really have very strange doctors there so if you ever be in Japan, pray that you won't get sick since they'll give you EVERYTHING but the stuff you actually need (happened to me during my first trip to Japan).
  19. RED RUM

    I didn't expect anything so I'm not disappointed at all.
  20. RED RUM

    it wasn't because then every FC member would be like " skdfljdfkljsflk DO NOT SHARE! " again.
  21. RED RUM

    Actually there wasn't something like a summer single. They said that they are going to release a DVD and ONE single in Autumn. ^^;
  22. RED RUM

    And a few hours ago I made jokes about them becoming the next PSC band. fail.
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