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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Spam's eatable? Don't have it in my country, at least to my knowledge
  2. Karma’s Hat

    My cat just attacked me during the night, but ended up sleeping on my throat. Most likely because she wanted to suffocate me though. My mom wanted to keep her when i moved out, so i haven't seen the thing in a while. I figured that countryside would suit her better than my small apartment
  3. Karma’s Hat

    This is just fucking sad. First, they pissed off most Nega fangirls who thought they went on a hiatus because Jin had testicle cancer or AIDS. Secondly, they pissed off everybody who wanted this to be something worth attention, and wasn't the ex Siva guy supposed to be in this band or sumthing?
  4. Karma’s Hat

    This is how i want to spend it.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    They played a really long set with ( almost two hours ) lots of energy. I really enjoyed it, and the worst case scenario is that this might be the last time to see them in Europe, so do it! And for those afraid of songs from Monsters ( like myself ), don't worry, the set was balanced just right with songs from the EP's, Coll:set and Mirror, so don't let that stop you. And the hit streak they had for the first four songs was great ( Born - Marry of the blood - Garnet - Fuyy shita risou ), no Yami ni furu kiseki though
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Because poor literacy is cool!
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Can somebody translate the member names? Or... is that Nega? or what the fuck
  8. Hei vaan Ei taideta olla tuttuja, mutta eiköhän täällä törmätä kerran jos toistekkin.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    A Sigh t-shirt, and a cucumber.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Sigh - A Victory of Daikini Scorn defeat is a masterpiece in my ears.
  11. Karma’s Hat

  12. Karma’s Hat

    Seigmen - In limbo Sounds nice, too bad i can't find their albums anywhere
  13. Karma’s Hat

    I just read that Ishii from Kagrra, lost his voice and nobody knows what wrong? He was mentioned in this thread so i want to know is this news old?
  14. Karma’s Hat

    MERRY - クライシスモメント They just destroyed every braincell that i had with awesome. incredible
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Repugnant - Another Vision The solo. The solo. The solo.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Oh : / Hope the best for Hizumi, he was the first Japanese vocalist i ever admired. He's too good of a vocalist to go to waste. My initial thought was that maybe after the break they could make some at least passable music and dress up like girls again.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    I like it, i like Red, i like the song Shiver. Glad to know that this time the b-sides aren't complete utter pretentious garbage like Hesitating means death, even Naraku wasn't anything deserving of interest. This doesn't sound like their recent stuff, but can't relate it to any other "era" of Gazette. It shows some attitude they used to have, also Ruki sounding bad is a another flash from the past. Oh yeah and i think the intro fits in pretty well, and the acoustic part provides much needed contrast. Reita still blows like a five dollar prostitute, just why won't he gtfo already.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    D'espairsray - Marry of the blood Ahh man i remember when i listened to this band non-stop. Then Horizon came out i got so pissed off . Gladly the old EP's didn't go anywhere.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Celestia - A Regrettable Misinterpretation of Mournfulness I swear I've heard this riff once before on a Metallica song that i can't remember.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Celestia - Frigidiis Apotheosia : Abstinencia Genesiis double Lp. The alternative cover is nice, though my vinyl player decided to call quits so i'll just have to stare at it. Too bad they didn't have any Mortifera though
  21. Karma’s Hat

    The name looks like a continuation of the Tanatos-theme 9goats had. That album had all the Babels and belzebuth'ts. Too bad that Ryo is still going to be the vocalist, he bores me now. Yeah.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Okkultokrati - Tomb City Rockers - Pungent State
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Sounds like you have some inside knowledge ? I don't know, he seems really laid back judging from interviews and seeing him live once. I'd love to know more though Aura noir - Merciless
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Dir en grey Aka: this topic is pretty pointless since it's a question with a answer, no room for opinions points of view really.
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