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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    I really hope that i don't overhype this one, and then get another X japan. Oh yeah and Europe tour would be highly unlikely, but if it would happen, i would combust with joy.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Wonder when it's coming out in my country... I really liked Grindhouse, so i'll be expecting something really entertaining! Also Machete was my favourite from the grindhouse trailers, hope they'll get around to make the other ones as well.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    ^ I think you got the idea of this thread wrong...
  4. Karma’s Hat

    AAAWWWW YEAH! Another hate thread ( Don't deny it ) Girugamesh. The day they make a song that i find decent, the heavens will fall upon us. Deluhi. All transitions in their songs seem akward and rushed.Their singer blows as well. Okay if something is rushed, it's my reasons to dislike this band. Well in short; they just fail to impress me with everything they do, and the songs leave me feeling... well " Yeah so? " Nega. lol, 'nuff said. Deathgaze. The forum would explode from a overload if i explained why. The old forum passed away while i was writing about my hatred, true story.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Frank Zappa - Flakes I personally find his jazz-fusion stuff more intresting, but this is good too.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    “Now you’ve lost your secret powers/ They’re gonna fuck you in the showersâ€
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Dimmu Borgir want their promo-pics back.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Well visual-kei bands that play heavily nu-metal influenced music. Was it so hard?
  9. Karma’s Hat

    http://www.last.fm/user/blumbe If somebody hasn't bothered to click from down there v yet
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Of course it's not .And i forgot about the new Hydra. I for one, can't find any similarities between the two, is there even any?
  11. Karma’s Hat

    For the sake of asshattery i guess. Zan remake sounds like grey mush shoved down your ears.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    The funny thing is, i don't care for Zyklon that much either. Mostly sounds like your average 2000's Death metal, atleast to me. They have good songs though, just don't feel like coming back to their stuff. If that made any sense
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Mono - Burial at sea
  14. Thread for the oh-so awesome Norvegian Black metal band, and it's spawns. Ihsahn Solo career, Samoth's and Trym's Death metal band Zyklon. I shamelessly stole that ( v ) from their Last.fm wikia Any other fans around? Just in case you haven't heard anything from them yet, Curse you all men! If for some reason you didn't like it, there is something wrong with you. But! Still check out Ihsahn Solo which is far more progressive and... avant-gardeish? A Grave Inversed and
  15. Karma’s Hat

  16. Karma’s Hat

    May this be my 100th post.
  17. Karma’s Hat

  18. Karma’s Hat

    John doe?FOOLISH STEREOTYPES? Good morning, MOTHER fxxker? What the hell is this?
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Well a release that is easy to get into. The beginner material, you know?
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Do they have something really "aproachable" ? The singers voice always turned me off, but for some reason i really want to get into them.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    MUSIC is still the biggest fucking disaster i have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of hearing. It sucks from top to bottom, most fans like it ( my observation ) because they still had rough vocals, and that's all that matters amirite? NOW was certainly better, but not much. Color on the other hand is a joke, but everybody should know that already. Please don't compare them to L'arc~en~ciel, L'arc actually made some out of this world stuff once.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Is is just me, or does the quality get progressively better and they use more and more diffrent camera angles? Now i have no complaints about the quality ( Vamps are playing now ). While Sads looked like shit, now it looks great!
  23. Karma’s Hat

    pg.lost - Prahanien
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