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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

  2. Karma’s Hat

    QFT I haven't even downloaded the bastard yet, i'll be sure to edit my thoughts here when i do.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    The cover is horrible and so is their logo. The both don't go together at all and i wonder what graphic designer let that slide. Just look at it! God! Anyways i don't think this album will be my thing, seeing that i particularly didn't enjoy the singles. Of course i will give it a few spins though.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Cockney rejects - Fighting in the streets It feels like i'm back in Camden town already!
  5. Karma’s Hat

    This by far. If somebody wanted brutality why on earth is he still listening to visual-kei? There's pornogrind. CHUGCHUG-melodic chorus with bad vocals-CHUGCHUG-rapping part-CHUGCHUG-Stolen The Gazette solo-Medloc chorus with bad vocals. Ever heard of this song?
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Fuck everything. I should become an hermit and live in the woods and only talk to deers.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    8/10 The hint of red in the background makes it.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Totalt Jävla Mörker - Rasist i uniform Fuck yeah.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Bauhaus - Stigmata Martyr
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Ohh damn! Michiro Endo is the man
  11. Karma’s Hat

    " I dare you, to despise! " - Peter Murphy
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Urgh, be prepared (/don't eat anything a few hours before). Just watched it. Can't make up my mind yet. One scene about half way through was disturbing beyond comprehension, that part gladly wasn't topped.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Entertainment for the braindead - A Glass of Wine
  14. Karma’s Hat

    5/10 The quality isn't that great, but it's a cool album cover.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Dir en grey GAUZE-62045 PV DVD Dir en grey MACABRE TOUR 00 >> 01 Tour DVD All for 20e Yeah!
  16. Karma’s Hat

    It's badly shot and the effects are bad. While Obscure had some kind of art direction ( lyrics ) and was for the most part well made, Muddy Cult just fucks around and recycles while Obscure let you see something new from beginning to end. It isn't the worst, but it's a really bad imitation while not having any point whatsoever. If for some reason they haven't even seen Obscure ( which i doubt ) then... Well it's still bad dammit! oh yeah and Phantasmagoria PV's are bad. Reminds me mysteriously of the gimp scene from Pulp fiction.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    This! Down is also terrible Also the 90's pv's are awful, but from the current i'd choose these for the worst: Nega - Muddy Cult. HAY GAIZ I SAW THIS DIR EN GEY PV AND I WANTO MAKE ONE TOOO exist†trace - Judea Ugh. The vocals rival the video on awful,
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Cali≠gari -Seishun Kyousoukyoku Not the best necessarily on the stand point of making PV's but i just love the feel to it. And the song is uplifting. Merry - Violet Harenchi More disturbed the better! And somebody tell me why Gara is the greatest person ever? The camera tricks they used are so cheap that it hurts, but it makes this better. Cheapness can be a good thing sometimes. Honestly this pv is pretty terrible... But maybe it's sort of a guilty pleasure. Haha my taste in PV's is horrible. Even worse when i say that i love every single Dir en grey PV except Hageshisa to.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Dødheimsgard - Regno Potiri holy hell
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Matenrou Opera Deluhi DEATHGAZE SUICIDE ALI 12012 A&D MUCC lynch. Maximum the Hormone amber gris MERRY
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I went to London to see Deg and stayed there for a week, the whole thing cost me about 500e~. Which is not much considering that i indeed spent a week there, and used at least 150e for clothes and music.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    A teleport, so i could go to home and enjoy my better internet connection.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Nokturnal Mortum - Голо? Сталі I absolutely love the drum sound in this album.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    I'm not giving it a rating but just a few words. These songs lack soul. I don't like their " sound " at all now. Red was a straight forward rock pop song, if it just had a bassline and some personality. Vermin is a slight throwback to the older times, but not much. Still it's so straightforward it bothers me, not even catchy or anything like that. AN UNBEARABLE CAPS is an equally faceless endeavor, at least it not as obvious attempt to please br00tal Jrawkies as HESITATING MEANS CAPS ( which is the worst song of the year to me ). I liked the vocals but that's it. Oh yah and i really hated the guitar sound on this single, felt like somebody was trying to stick me a large syringe.
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