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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Lurker crisis Watch how all the VK UPLOADS ~DEMON ANDROID~ blogspots and facebooks suddenly stop updating their pages.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    MH drama is so much more interesting than people thinking they're nobel laureates giving out their political insights with the confidence of David Brent and the self-awareness of Norma Desmond.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    This forum
  4. Karma’s Hat

    I have a small update to this thread. I just did a survey with some Japanese exchange students at a bar, and the only vk band they had any idea existed was the one and the only Golden Bomber Visual kei in the 21th century folks.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Watched Hitchcock's Suspicion two days back and I was left a bit perplexed by it. In the beginning, or perhaps even almost the entire first hour, Hitchcock establishes themes and gives out visual cues that open the film to interpretation. Joan Fontaine appears staunchly reluctant at first to respond to Cary Grant's greasy approaches, but is then persuaded to give into his embraces upon hearing her parents go on about how she's doom'd to become an old spinster. She's whipped at home and Grant debases her constantly, her exchanging ownership from one master to another under the father's portrait. Grant turns out to be a conniving lunatic with a friend who's equally strange to say the least. Fontaine's state of mind starts to be in question, is she losing her mind from her new life's uncertainties, and how should be viewer see Grant's character and his motivations? Too bad by the end of it all possible interpretations other than the bare bones of the narrative are thrown on the wayside. The ending absolutely ludicrous and reduces the entire film into a confused melodrama up to either hugely vague interpretation or absolutely none at all and the characters are just unsympathetic idiots. Another film of his where he does this is Strangers on a Train that just abandons all ambition by the one hour mark and turns into an artless thriller by the end of it. I want to say the first halves of these films are filmed by different directors if this wasn't almost a trademark of his. Maybe his greatest films were ghost-written by someone...
  6. Yup, sounds like Lycaon alright. It's a perfectly logical continuation of where they left off. As far as I'm concerned the train has left the station. I found this dull and my lack of enthusiasm about them isn't helping any.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Pentagon: Will not hang out with you on your birthday for 1000 dollars
  8. Karma’s Hat

    I guffawed out loud at the thought of his mom scouring bars in Japan trying to hook him up with a bandman for one thousand dollars.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    It can't be just me who thinks this whole thing came from the same assembly line as the rest of their stuff. The transition from the intro to the verse is one they've used before and on multiple occasions in all likelihood. the riffs and solo are fucking _standard_ Mejibray and I need not mention the chorus. That female vocalist they got for decoration also sounds exactly the same in this as she has previously. The second song is reminiscent of at least Fell to heaven, 剥落, Kairi and those I just recall off the top of my head. The third song is a little out there for them, but often one song on a single is. This could have come from a Mejibray generator. The A-side goes into the same bin with Venoms, Agitato, Die Kusse, Paradigm Paradox, Raven... There's nothing discernable here that makes it any better or worse than the rest of them!
  10. Karma’s Hat

  11. Karma’s Hat

    I have trouble believing that OP even has the mental wherewithal to cross the street unaided, let alone go to Japan to look for kawaii jrockers to gawk at.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Read Joris karl huysmans A rebours and thought it was such self-involved twaddle. I was engage by the sheer relatability of Des Esseintes' lifestyle and I quite enjoyed the trashing he gave to a good portion of classic lit. At the end pf the day however I felt it was just the author wanking for 300 pages listing his favourite bands. Now reading Madame Bowary
  13. I thought the first album was their peak. Even the releases since then have been perfectly acceptable ( the middle portion of the second album sux, I have to say ), but I could sense that this band has major aspirations and a transition was afoot. The PV song for the second album was fantastic, and if they stuck to that mode it'd be a compromise I'd be all for. Mark my words however that this is a slippery slope and they'll sound like late-middle period Girugamesh in about an year if they stick around.
  14. lol this is dull rip dezert
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Oh I remember this happening to me all the time like 7 - 8 years ago, when I lived off of the few heavy vk songs one could find.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    There's footage of a show with Danny and he sounds a lot better than I expected. I think his taste is shit and it reflected badly on AA when they stopped being emos. That said, he sounded swell on some new clips I saw. I miss Denis lol. I respect the hustle and his vocals are perfect for this music
  17. Karma’s Hat

    I have some pix of Karma ( from I presume his twitter ) where one can see fresh cuts and scars from old ones. I dunno if that's all from stage performance, but didn't he post a picture of a cut once and then had to take it down and give some phony apology 30 minutes later because boring dullards feelings were upset.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Another bump: can anyone hook a brother up with their cyber circus live? Can't find it on youtube nomo
  19. Karma’s Hat

    About an year ago this list would have looked a lot different. Even if the "worst in year in vk" is a running gag at this point, 2015-2016 was downright cataclysmic for me. I'll try this out nonetheless if only for the sake of future reference. A band is excluded from this list if their last release that I liked came like a decade ago MEJIBRAY They've sounded exactly the same since the SM compilation, despite a few people's opinion on the contrary. I just lol when they release 3 to 4 singles a year and they manage sway some fools opinion from "complete shit" and "Mejibray is back!" about just as many times. Their sound and concept is an established thing that doesn't change, they compose songs from the exact same mold. Perhaps not daring, but there's really no vk band around in 2016 that's pushing any boundaries and breaking barriers save for Dir en grey ( whether that's a good thing is up to oneself to decide ). Either way they're absolutely beautiful, tsuzuku rules. GALLO Another beautiful band with an eccentric vocalist who's filthy vibrato warbles its way into my heart. The origin of their riffcraft is hard for me to discern, although I got hunches from what sources they channel the spirit from. That's a good change of pace when these days it's pretty easy to see what band is getting their inspiration from where. Savage lyrics too. They're also, in my opinion, improving from one release to the next. DADAROMA At first I was disappointed that they didn't go for the generic deathcore sound their first PV implied, as their musical horizons swiftly broadened with the addition of a quintessentially, in good and bad, visual kei circus clown gimmick. Once I got used to it I started to really like their stuff. The vocalist is still a savage and there's not a track where he doesn't kill. PENTAGON They kind of sucked at first to be honest. One of their first PV's ( or was it the first? ) distilled all the bad traits of Mejibray into some really bland shit. I got curious with boy waltz and since then they've completely won me over with their seamless juxtaposition of hirokicore and regular vk-core affair. Another band that has 1. a fabulous vocalist 2. a stupid clown gimmick Sukekiyo I was so prepared to hate this band. When the first PV came out I thought it was meandering atmospheric bollocks. I don't remember when the debut was released but it might have been even as late as an year later when I finally tried it out with a more open mind and got on board. During the Macabre-Vulgar period Kyo was dying a thousand deaths on tape constantly by the way he garbled lines while going high, low, left, right and center sporadically throughout a song's length, and that's what made him cool. Now in say an album like Dum Spiro Spero he's very much in control of himself in his method; screaming, growling and doing the free wheeling falsetto sound like different outfits he employs to portray a distant narrator changing techniques on cue. In Sukekiyo he sort of reverts back into the spontaneity of olde Dir en grey, despite the unmistakable maturity gained with age. DEZERT This band is on a downward spiral and I can feel it. While the first D'espairsray stuff was kind of _okay_, the peak was reached with the first LP that was a landmark in grotesque new nu metal kei that channels angura and coal chamber into a pitch black vk sludge. The second album chiselled out their rougher parts while still maintaining a fairly consistent quality, but holy shit this latest new BMTH rip off shit just broke my heart. They're still on this list because they haven't yet released anything outstandingly awful I feel that's just around the corner Kiryu Incredibly consistent in the grand scheme of things. Even if I feel their best period is far behind ( this would be everything up to the first album ), they still manage to develop small things and surprise - but only if you look at them year by year. Despite their shtick remaining as it is, by comparing the second and the most recent album you can definitely notice an amped up ferocity, like they have to be the fastest playing visual kei band ever. Add this to a finely developed pop sensibility and swallowing a new batch of same kiryu every year isn't so bad. caligari I don't know whether I'm including caligari purely on sentimental reasons because I don't know what the fuck they're doing these days. At one point it felt like they were one foot in the grave, then a slew of under the radar live distributed releases and at least a dozen DVD's released presumably to pay debts or something. Still, when they do release something and I get to hear it, it's pretty good. Probably the only old band that has never embarrassed itself, although occasionally rather underwhelming. Everything up to 8 is classic shit though make no mistake about it. AINS collective of Grieva, Gossip and Kuroyuri to Kage They're molded from the same substance and when one of them disbands, the rest are sure to follow. Each has its problems like Grieva's horribly blatant lifts and generally really terrible riffs, Gossip's current lack of urgency and Kuroyuri's sameness; yet I still feel they have their place and despite plagiarism have amicable concepts. It's fun music and that VA they released is a new vk classic. AIECORE of Keel, God and the death stars I don't think Aie has done anything mind blowing since lamiel, but that said these bands quite good and more exciting than I initially fancied them to be. The 9goats guy isn't my favorite I have to say that. moar bands I follow with a degree of enthusiasm that might just as well go up or down: anfiel, codomo dragon, royz, sibile, diaura, chanty, buglug, merry even gazette sort of maybe
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Been on a Gallo binge. Could just be my favorite active band, or at least definitely in the running. Kuroi ondori site is fantastic. I just need the rest of the discography translated though :V
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Rampant blasphemy on this thread. Kisou's great throughout
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Discovering huge wolverine tracks encircling my house is the most exciting thing that has happened in my life in two years.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Ahh man I've begun to miss them even if they went noticeably downhill during the final stretch ( which could probably be explained away by them just looking forward to getting the fuck away from their label and phoning it in. ) Karma is nourished by sad & petty bum hater tears. I look forward to his return
  24. It was literally two days ago when I looked up to see how he was doing these days and all I saw was a pissrag picture of him all fattened up and with cig in hand. I thought "god bless he's still living the lifestyle he's accustomed to, but he sure looks bound for a massive coronary", and so... I've watched that Big Brother season he was on too many times for me to recall ( and I reckon I'm liable to start another round any minute now. ) I hope he didn't lose an ounce of that magnetism
  25. Karma’s Hat

    This band is also very good. I'm a little worried that the next album is coming so soon. DIAVOLO was class and I like everything the vocalist is doing
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