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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    420 a new vk classic imo
  2. I wouldn't mind if Karma came back with an entirely different lineup. That the musicianship in Avelcain was sorely lacking is putting it mildly, and I wouldn't mind hearing Karma's voice in a new context anyway. iirc a lot of their good stuff was ascribed to Eve, but I want my bois to have nothing to with him. His chinese takeout ostTRADITIONAL ORIENTAL gimmickry fucking stinks and I don't like it.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    The real nightmare scenario is that they turn into a neutered bore like late DIV. It wouldn't surprise me, but I'd say we are still at least an year off from that.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Their previous ep was excellent. I don't think they can do any wrong at this point in their run
  5. Karma’s Hat

    OH NO
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Recently all I've noticed was a great indifference to it by the people whom I've been forced to explained it to. Some still remember An Cafe, Dir en grey and Gazette from ten years ago, and others just don't really care which way or the other. So far it has fallen from the common consciousness in fact, that one person thought I had conversed about something called "visual gay" the whole weekend, and she fancied it better not to inquire any further on the matter. In middle school it was a different deal; I was loud and proud with my weebdom and had a picture of An Cafe on my computer's desktop for the longest time. Many an argument were then ended by my mates just calling me a fag, and that'd be that. That's back when everyone still knew about anime, manga and visual kei, so the reactions to it were more polarised as well. As all the kids back then were into Slipknot, you'd sometimes show them something which was more palatable and met with a warmer response, like Dir en grey. One person from my school I managed to convert even. Assuredly I'd still hear the usual "oh, I can't listen to that language" or whatever, but I'm already old enough to choose to not to associate myself with anyone that musically illiterate; and quite frankly I don't know how anyone could stand for such company for any longer than a cordial greeting in the rest room.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    That album cover is one of the worst in visual kei history and I'm not even exaggerating
  8. Bump. Ain't that the truth. Do I fucking ever. I live in a breathe visual kei, it's ingrained into every inch of cell and particle of my being. It's the sole framework of my thinking and being, to the point where it's a constant state of misery and a daily assault of grief on the senses that all I see in myself is a starving cereal crop farmer in destitute, begging for bark bread by the savonian wayside. I couldn't give a toss about Japan, its culture or being Japanese per se, but being this agendered creature of the night, drinking and porking fangirls left and right, constantly alludes me by racial design. The asian hair is evolution's greatest creation; I however am most certainly doom'd to the premature balding and eventual disappearance of my shitty garbage of a wavy hair type. All I'm amiss was the fortune of being born there with the features and all that comes with it, so I could gather the courage to live the way I wish to. It is for this reason that I sort of lowkey admire yohio, because he went out and did it, despite his receding hairline and lack of discernable talent. Whether or not his music is utter shite ( it is ) is secondary, because that's not what vk is about anyway Wouldn't mind mastering language 2. It's already enough trouble as it is to keep the two I'm cursed with in shape.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Being the late bloomer that I am I got familiar with them only last year, and I was never quite able to get over the first time of hearing this one ( the essential section is time stamped ) I know what you mean with the Dezert reference. When the PV song for the second album was realised my first thought was that this sounds like a nu metal aicle lolol. Actually a more apt comparison would be that Dezert occasionally sounds like early Kagerou from their demos to the first album, where they would have more unhinged riffs than the average lot.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    One year ago this month Lycaon held their last live as the world let out a sigh of relief thinking that we had finally gotten rid of them for good Yet little did we know...
  11. Karma’s Hat

    From them I always first and foremost remember this ballad lolol Checking all my my vk boxes 'ere. It features mind blowingly elementary musicianship and a melodramatic chorus for the ages; and did I mention they look stunning in all their multicolored trinkets? I'll leave it for you to decide which of these three I consider most important attribute when it comes to the music I listen to...
  12. Karma’s Hat

    tis the following I dreamt last night: I was lying half-asleep on my loft bed in deep thought when my meditations are suddenly interrupted by the clanging of the mailslot and a soft thump of mail falling on the floor. As I climb down to investigate the mystery, the proprietor of the mail starts knocking on the door at a pace and aggression that escalates the closer I get to it. Picking up the mail I notice that it's an assorted selection of leaflets and pamphlets advertising the Arian church of Vandal times, with complimentary headphones encased in plastic on one of the leaflets. I answer the door after a moment's hesitation and from the opening crack I see an Andrei Rublev like looking man, clad in white robes so worn out by time and travail that one could barely discern the original color. The unexpected visitor immediately slams the door open, starts ranting and raving about salvation as he grabs me by the shoulders and looks me straight into the eyes while I scream bloody murder. I wake up with my left foot hoisted in the air.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Someone uploaded that kuu single on here months back and I thought it was fabulous. I've never been arsed to browse through their discography thoroughly, but from what I gather the early ep's are fine as well. No idea about the albums, not sure if I have any of them even.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I may have found it? http://visualkeitokun.blogspot.fi/search/label/Ordermade I don't vouch for the files therein as I've yet to dl them all, but the links appear all to work. This blogspot also has a quite a few other bands mentioned in this topic ( got sum of that henzel there for instance ).
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Perhaps redundant to post because how known they were for a good two minutes, but Cindykate was probably the last of the oshare keis before their native village was bulldozed under the coreriffs and other strange american exports. I can't fawn over them enough They did vk schlager like none's business and had dull moments only very sparsely during their decently sized discography Gorgeous vocals by the way. I must get this
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Been a while for me too, but I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately with everything past that is rather questionable imo. First album 's legit thou The fucking most heartbreaking thing about this stuff is how hard it is to find. There's already like three or four bands I have to search in the morning and I'm not looking forward to that at all ( especially with either impossible to search names like *long japanese title* or generic names like charlotte and parade that'll get you all over the place looking for 'm. )
  17. Karma’s Hat

    This is a legit find for me. Never heard of them before and I'll have to make a request topic if I'm not able to find their stuff anymore ( this is a lowkey request for someone to upload ) Can you share any info on them? never heard of them either and google gave me jack shite I think the blockbuster popularity of this thread in its infancy goes to show that it's time we as the collective visual kei fandom start to deify the 2000's oshare in the same manner as we do the turn of the millenia stuff, and give it the time and respect it's due.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    About An cafe I dare surmise that their very earliest output was more fitting to what I linked in the first post, but they changed rather swiftly. Candy holic slightly has that macabre timbre in the guitars that I think is characteristic of oshare of the period that is definitely not happy or whatever else attribute was ascribed to oshare. Changes were afoot from the very first EP onward though, and what from I call tell is a distinct baroque influence did start to gain ground early on, and before you knew it they were sexpot clad and positive rock certified. Everything linked here definitely counts, even if it's representative of a different period and sound than what I linked. I think all of this shit rules and murks all that recent garbage any day of the week . Dressed like oshare royalty in that pv. I miss this look so much Them intro and verse riffs are all oshare 101 class.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Remember when back in the proverbial day oshare kei was considered by some circles as the uttermost depths of shit this scene ever delved into. If you were a frustrated male between the ages of 12 to 18 in 2005 to 2010 and enjoyed Dir en grey on more than a few occasions, such as myself, then you surely took part in this folly. Well now in retrospect I think anyone with a lick of sense has realised that we've rarely had it better. The best bands of the oshare bunch carried the torch of florid guitar noodling, big colorful outfits and nasally eccentric vocalists into their new ventures, all the while the rest of the scene was playing catch-up in black 50 dollar suit jackets with Dir en grey's angryman vocalist and nu metal stylings. Oshare's debt to older visual kei I think is often unjustly disregarded and the style largely considered as the scene jumping the shark, when I think this couldn't be further from the truth. That moment when all the Unsraw's in the world were stinking up the place, there existed a scene where one could Image an alternative reality where Japan had shut its borders in 1999 and the bandmen had to make due with their old Luna Sea and Kuroyume records. A good cutoff point for this fad I'd say could be Royz' debut ( prophetically named as "the new age". ) That kind of bijuaru did definitely exist prior to that, but I still consider it an important turning point from whence we've really hit the shits in way I'm not entirely sure we'll ever recover from. I confess immediately that I'm definitely not an expert, but I know for a fact there are people on this forum who are. Some bands that were formed prior to this date, but continued after 2011, will surely apply in this topic such as Cindykate. I'd say the range is broad enough to include bands like early Dolly as well, though suppose someone could dispute that. Please post and link away ( and save this thread from bombing ) because even at its very worst, this shit was at least infinitely more entertaining than all that new royzcore shite. Going to kick things off by posting some entry-level stuff Irokui never got shit in my opinion, which is quite a marvel. Stayed very consistent and their musical trajectory I thought was very logical for them, and it brought us classic tracks like Sakura Seven Their early output was so sexy. Essential of the rainbow vomit bands that got progressively more domesticated as they went along. Incredible from the first release until the que:sera single. They musically progressed and amassed fortunes for fancier recording equipment at a blazing speed that made me very optimistic about their future. Then the very moment they had chiseled their musicianship to almost Kiryu levels controlled chaos, they dun fuck it up with some menbas leaving and Emoro blowing his indie rock wad all over the final couple releases. Still I suppose not even at their last breaths, they never sucked. Early Paradeis needs to be linked, not only because of what a shellacking it got on this board, but because they were unironically pretty good. If you don't like the vocalist, then you have no business listening to vk in the first place. This is merely a scratch on the surface. There are tons and tons more to choose from like the earliest attempts at the style like Vinett, the more "acquired taste" like Dragonwappppper, left field like doginthepwo and the entire baroque influenced strand.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    120 Days of Sodom. I've owned it for a lifetime but it had sat on the shelf ( or due to my spastic organisational habits: on the floor, table and toilet, conversely... ) until yesterday. It's an absolute riot and it boggles to mind how such a thing can be of the age that it is. While one would never realise how many seasons are behind a book like that, it's even more startling just how contemporary it remains after all that time, both in its themes open for varied interpretation ( I can't shake off Pasolini's reading of them ) and language. Must be said that it is an exhaustive reading. I'm 109 pages deep and I can scarcely keep going forward just because it's so heavy a read, despite its outrageous humor. Also reading Taschen's Van Gogh book and "Munch: Van Gogh"
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Get this sweet boy with sinews for hands something other to do than spend 40 minutes fortified in his toilet before he goes out
  22. Four songs deep and I must say that this band is the tippy top tier of new vkei schlock. Incredible consistency and subtle greatness concealed beneath a song formula that always kind of sound the same.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Astoundingly nice taste in bijuaru and outside of it. I live for the interplay of Arthur Russel, Young Thug and Missalina Rei. Pardon me asking, but how did you get into the um, scene and how long you've been innit? Did you start out as a weeaboo and branch out later, or are you that rare breed who kept vk merely as an equal on the sides among everything else? It's not often someone listens to this stuff without being neck deep into it.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Not that it matters, but it's absolutely beyond me where people with the content count of 1 get the balls to go "HEY WHERE DID THE DL SECTION GO!?". When they're too dumb to figure that out I wonder how they even manage to get out of bed without forgetting to breathe at the same time.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Demon android actually got all his stuff from upstairs at his cousins place, so ya'll just cyberbullies
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