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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. Augie1995

    Only way I'll get back into them is if their next album is somewhat remotely similar to TOKYO MUZiCAL HOTEL or if they make songs like Scheat, Alterna, Karma Discord, and Dot.0 but I'll try this single out when i hear a preview or something.
  2. Augie1995

    Anything more we can get from them is great! I really hope Leda, whether with Juri or not, makes a new band or something.
  3. Augie1995

    FULL PV of Liberate is out now. I gota say, it doesn't have as big of a powerful bang as BLAZE did but this is still a damn good song. Those instrumentals at the beginning are so sick and the whole song is awesome!!! I can't wait to hear the other songs Kqy6j5WO_KI
  4. Augie1995

    haha i knew it! This is good news~
  5. Augie1995

    Longer preview than the other one i posted. ywWQ2clTGaQ
  6. Augie1995

    I absolutely loved their new album, they all had great compositions and I was grabbed by every song. Even VERMILION which was one of their songs i hadnt gotten into yet. My favorites are Fragment, Q, RAY OF LIGHT, Cherish (this song is curious), the sorrow of deceiver, and 輪廻. I recommend this a lot, great great album! 9/10
  7. Augie1995

    Oh man, Got the mini last night and it was so good Huang di ~Yami ni umareta mukui~ I really all the chinese sounds embedded into the song and it starts off right off with the chorus. After that you get the band members bashing out with their instruments it makes me headbang. The chinese sounds in the background are layered so nicely. Their guitar solos never disappoint me and man, this one was a good one. I really thought this was a strong song from them and one that I find myself playing over and over in my head, it's really good. 10/10 Makutsuenhuuki Oh man, Ruiza starts this song off with an amazing guitar riff that was ecstatic to my ears. Kind of sounds like a common "D" intro but good nonetheless. Asagi's voice shows off his abilities in vocals reaching some high notes that amaze me. The drumline is just running in the background with this great tempo. guitar solo with some tapping on some high notes down the fret board. I feel like the guitars stood out the most in this song. 9/10 Honoo no Kairou I thought it was christmas time with those bells at the beginning. A really lovely ballad from D again with some great chinese sounds in it. The guitars are more calm in this one and although i love fast guitars, these were just great to hear. After the guitar solo, The song goes into a really slow part with just Asagi and some twinkling sounds in the background. Near the end you get to hear Asagi narrate something in a deep voice. I thought that was funny. 8/10 Gikyou Souden Oof, this song starts off galloping. This one was a really enjoyable song and the guitars had their strong points. I wasn't that much of a fan of the chorus in this song but nevertheless I was able to get through the song with no hating. 8/10 Ryuugan no Shizuku Im kind of getting tired of Asagi's screams in this mini cause they all sound the same. Not much of them sticking to the chinese theme on this song but this was a great song. the litle interlude right before the guitar solo sounded so cool and the solo was amazing. But then after that I get more screams from Asagi that have gotten old by now. 8/10 Sansuishi I think this is the last one. I have the international so there are 4 more songs after this but the song fits the theme so im going to review it as well. Very big amount of chinese sounds that i've become fond of. Asagi comes in and the song keeps this calm and slow tempo. Then the guitars come blasting in but somehow find a way to mix in very well with the background chinese sounds. The bass really stands out to me the most in this song. I couldn't stop focusing on it. The song sounds pretty much the same throughout the entire thing but that wasn't a bad thing in this occasion. This was a good closing song for the mini and once it ended I realized I actually enjoyed the whole thing. 9/10 I gotta say, D really impressed me with this mini a lot. The chinese theme was a good one that I was interested to hear from them. I feel i'm going to be replaying this mini a lot more Excellent work D!! Can't wait for more stuff from you guys
  8. Augie1995

    Vistlip small PV preview for their song on their album ORDER MADE 7rnYvgXeQuA Also album covers: Regular Edition Limited Edition Limited Edition w/ DVD Source: CDJapan
  9. Okay from now on, when i want a new release from a band i will jsut say, "Damn, i wish _____ would announce something new already." Hanabira started playing on my iPod and i said that and now BOOM! New single! SO STOCKED FOR THIS!
  10. Augie1995

    HELL YEAH!!! i was just saying that they need to release something new!
  11. Augie1995

    Wow...It's like all my favorite vocalists being hated on here O_O The only ones i think are bad are Emiru from Aicle, Takeru from SuG (Ever since 2010)....and thats all i can think of right now.
  12. Augie1995

    Okay granted, i got so psyched for Niji no Yuki from the small preview of the intro and I was sort of let down. I'm not gonna be spamming the crap out of this song but Shou's voice is nice, the instrumentals are good, and its Alice Nine so im satisfied. This song is nothing compared to Mugen -electric eden-, Fuurin, and birth in the death but nevertheless its good. One thing I know for sure is that Niji no Yuki stands no chance against NEMESIS and the new Yami ni Chiru Sakura
  13. Augie1995

    was that a pun? Cause of the planets in it xD
  14. Augie1995

    Strangely enough the songs with the weirdest titles usually are the best songs on the release Very true!!
  15. Augie1995

    It probably sounds the same cause of his voice but i agree. Nevertheless, I loved the whole MELT single and im still playing teh crap out of that single and everything ont this preview was freaking awesome!! I can't believe they ended it on that slap bass though :\
  16. Augie1995

    This sounds so goddamn awesome!!! Im psyched for this album!!! UToIoDgArIU
  17. Augie1995

    I hate clowns but my money is on i will love that 3rd track
  18. Augie1995

    My thoughts exactly!! Fully agreed with this. Besides, getting a new album with nothing but new tracks would be better than having a shitload of crappy singles nobody cares about like the last time. They might find a way to put REMEMBER THE URGE on it anyway Yup!!
  19. Augie1995

    RUKI SAID THIS IN Ongaku to Hito nov'11: "...... I: And an evidence is your new album, right? R: Exactly. We want to break all the rules that existed until now. For example, after this album we want to produce not a single, but another album. I:- Now you have a one-year tour and in front of 150 concerts. It will be really hard to do it! R: Don't rub salt in the wound! (laughter) I:- But it will be an album of the group which can fly. R: Yeah, but 150 concerts so haaaaaard! (laughter)...." so they are going to release another album after TOXIC? epic news!! frankly, its not official so all it is right now is a rumor....spread by Ruki
  20. Augie1995

    Their OHP was finally updated with their new look. Sure does look a lot more like a winter ballad now. There's also an instrumental song played which i hope is the start of Niji no Yuki cause it sounds really good http://web.pscompany.co.jp/alicenine/top.html
  21. Augie1995

    Thoughts on this single? i freaking love this release. FAKE- I love the way it starts. Ryouga comes in with a sort of clean yet slightly distorted melody and then Reno joins in full guns blazing! I have yet to grow tired of the chorus or any other part of this song and Shin's voice to me is still going strong throughout this whole song. that guitar solo though, that was a very epic guitar solo that I can't stop replaying! this was very well made!! 10/10 Kakera- The way the songs starts with that dual melody was just so pleasing to my ears. The chorus is good but its still growing on me. Throughout this whole song, Reno and Ryouga just stood out the most. Getting into that guitar solo, i think i ear-jizzed with every note played. The effect layered onto it to make it sound the way it did was a great choice. It just sounded so surreal i guess to me. after the solo, another chorus and then the song ends with that melody that I have to come to love so much. 10/10 Honestly, this single was GOLD! i loved it and I can't wait for their new single at the start of 2012! Once the 3rd song gets posted, I'll edit this and add in my review for the 3rd song. i honestly felt that Reno and Ryouga stood out the most in this single, almost like this is their single.
  22. Augie1995

    I'm sorry, i know this doesnt pertain to the album info but does anyone know if the violin version of Kurenai was ever released in CD? I figured i might get a faster response if i did it on a live post. I'm talking about this song PJBBqGkjm1o
  23. Augie1995

    God I love this band. sprinting guitar melodies, great basslines, i just love it all. I have yet to dislike a song from them and they just keep bringing more. 3 singles in a year wasnt bad for a major band and now a new single start of 2012 along with their new live. I just hope they release an album or something sometime after that <3
  24. Augie1995

    My god, this band does not disappoint! This album was a solid release. Lots of good tracks on there and i was never bored of any songs. The new versions of their single songs make them so different. I didn't even know Shining was the song about to play because of the intro and it seems that they even went ahead remade parts like the guitar solos and suck. My absolute favorites were: 無力なてのひら, again, PROMISE (CROSS ver.), Fall to earth, Liberation...ahh i loved the whole damn album. I give this a 10/10
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