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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. Augie1995

    Damn... ProudiA- This song is just so beautiful. I'm listening to this and it is raining outside and it just sounds so good! Good job BORN!! That guitar solo was just super amazing especially since they don't put out many guitar solos out and i am a sucker for guitar solos. 5/5 RAGE OF FACT- Pretty nice guitar riff start off from K, the song then has Ryouga's usual screaming voice. He then transitions into his clean voice and back to his scream again and that's what I love from him, how he transitions from one to the other. This sounds like a typical BORN song which isn't actually a bad thing since they are an amazing band. 4/5 Dig Fxxker- This song starts with a nice bass melted together with some background noises and then Ryouga screams and we get this sick guitar riff to headbang to. There's some good instrumentals going on throughout this song like during the chorus that I enjoyed listening to. This once again was another typical BORN song and once again, not a bad thing. 4/5 BORN did good with this single, i've played this more than I played Psycho Diva the first hour. This is actually the first time that I love a title track more than the B-sides by a lot from a band this year. Overall 4.5/5
  2. Augie1995

    SCREW's new look has been updated on their OHP. The look is pretty sick actually although when I saw Rui, i thought he was Aoi from GazettE haha
  3. Augie1995

    It does sounds like they are being pretty active together. I actually didnt think we'd hear about any activity from these guys for a while.
  4. Augie1995

    yeah whats this about? I kind of dont understand what the album is doing?
  5. Augie1995

    Yeah, it's getting downright annoying. Sure is. Preview sounded good, I loved SEVEN, its what got me into them so if its along those lines then I will be pleased!
  6. Augie1995

    I wonder why they disbanded...Anyways, if they make music like AIM or better than i will be more than pleased
  7. Augie1995

    New album!! Yay!
  8. Augie1995

    Well the song romaji title is Yuki no shita which i believe is something around the lines of "Coming snow" or something. It's mostly about the Christmas theme. Anyways, this album was pretty entertaining and I really liked it. some good guitar work and the vocals are really nice. Love Zetsubou Creator, yuki no shita, world wide wish, BadRequest, Starting Over, Eniver, Kud. I can't really do a song by song review but if i were to give it an overall it would have to be 8.5/10
  9. Augie1995

    Agreed! Also, pretty much every High School of the Dead ending like these: VDQP6yesZBY ik_tJ-vJhBk
  10. Augie1995

    I dont know about jazzy but their PV track is very...calm. Its probably the most slowest song from them ever yet i feel its lovely. 8uLD2ZFlvCA
  11. Augie1995

  12. Augie1995

    God the previews sound really good, psyched for this album~
  13. Augie1995

    Ohh, so eargasmic!!! I love everything of this song and that guitar riff throughout the beginning and end and after the first chorus is so badass!!! Qh02Uw6MHMk
  14. Augie1995

    I gotta say, I love it when Alice Nine does like a slowdown on a song and then they go right into a guitar solo right after like they did here with NEMESIS.
  15. Augie1995

    Tashikani!, it does sound like Precious but I feel this chorus sounds more soothing to me than Precious' chorus. Can't wait to hear what kind of solo they have in store for us
  16. Augie1995

    We can agree that every other song in this single besides Niji no Yuki is getting attracted. NEMESIS sounds badass from the preview http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmsc2c_nemesis-preview_creation and the new Yami song is for sure going to be pretty sick!
  17. Can't wait to hear this single! I hope Just Awake has some sick breakdown in there~
  18. Augie1995

    Can I say, "CALLED IT!!!" NEMESIS is so badass it just absolutely tops any non-remake song from their singles of this year. I can imagine Tora composed this one http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmsc2c_nemesis-preview_creation
  19. Im sort of Interested and uninterested in this...I'll see once i hear a preview
  20. Augie1995

    For those who have listened to it, was Ammonite a good album?
  21. Augie1995

    AND Matenrou Opera, that's awesome!!! Stoked for this album!
  22. Augie1995

    Haha same here! Either way, excited for this!
  23. Good news, none of their songs (albeit only around 9 songs) have bored me so I can't wait to hear what its like~
  24. Augie1995

    What?! Their past release was so cool!! I liked this band
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