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Everything posted by HotaruFilth

  1. And btw the new CD won't be released on 21st. Yuki says he can't make it in time. But will be released asap.
  2. Oh, i haven't seen any official information about its price yet. Seems quite expensive.
  3. HotaruFilth

    noticed it just now. deadman also chose their name after "Deadman Walking" movie, so i'm feeling certain discomfort now.
  4. HotaruFilth

    接吻 sounds so much deadman to me. In fact i liked all the new songs a lot. クラッカー is so hot too. Perfect release.
  5. spoilers...

    1. HotaruFilth


      music spoilers are the only spoilers i like >:3

    2. Lestat


      Yes, I saw that too. Childish.

    3. HotaruFilth


      communicating via twitter believing fans will not notice?w

  6. HotaruFilth

    Lamiel is toо good to be true. But they have drinking parties as Blast every year, and every time he mentions this I secretly hope for at least one-day revival.
  7. HotaruFilth

    I wish it was tanuki so that i could say what i really think xD Well anyway. Didn't expect they would actually disband because of that, but predicted Porisan might be exposed sooner or later. Not the best band he has ever played in, so I can give him a high five xD Finally! Just grab Yuina, make a mindbreaking comeback as Blast and you'll be forgiven *crying for the moon* Although personally I don't mind at all. Just curious what his next band will be.
  8. btw Hibiki has left the band.
  9. They are no longer live-limited, you can buy everything on zoisite.
  10. gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy

    1. Jigsaw9


      giggity giggity giggity

  11. they EXPECT. ha ha I read it on every damn muni-flyer a get. only the date changes. well, anyway, recently there are too many great releases to buy, so i don't mind about these guys for a while.
  12. Need to get it somehow. I am truly in love with their last release and expect them to become better and better. UPD: got it xD
  13. HotaruFilth

    YES! "fanfale"has been my favourite one since i heard it live for the first time. Can't wait to get the CD. PERFECT!
  14. Ah, that's why! xD Unfortunately, no. I'm coming back to Ukraine tomorrow, because my university and work start from September 1st. But maybe see you next year! ^^
  15. Oh! Unfortunately I didn't notice any other foreigners there except for my friend WhirlingBlack ._.
  16. What a cute thread There's nothing to discuss, he's a genius! ┐(´ー`)┌ My favorite Yukino's band ever is actually kein, but i follow all of his new projects as well and have most of these CDs. I really love his music sense. Even covers that he chooses for his acoustic events and etc are always a big discovery for me, so later i often search the original songs and play them on repeat for few weeks. Among his active projects i like StrangerSaid. and acoustic one the most. But he is TOTALLY perfect. p.s. Yes, Yukino and aie are the best composers for me too, and i follow them blindly whenever in Japan.
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