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Everything posted by HotaruFilth

  1. HotaruFilth

    that awkward feeling when you're leaving Japan on 8/27
  2. HotaruFilth

    Yeah, this sounds better! I wanted the corpse to go at the end, because he was definitely talking about himself. The way he usually ends his tweets with "Mako", this one he ended with "shikabane". But i just couldn't change the sentence in a proper way xD Thanks!
  3. HotaruFilth

    I'm afraid my English is not that good to translate his tweet without changing the order of lines which i find important, but the meaning is something like: "Screams Vortex of cry Singing a song That can't be expressed in words The corpse Is still Longing for people" If someone can correct it please do.
  4. HotaruFilth

    Have been waiting for this since January xD
  5. New deadman photobook to be released! Yay~

  6. too many great lives, too little money

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Too many visual kei, too little money

  7. 「Activity」button doesn't work properly. 

    1. Zeus


      It doesn't open into a drop down menu anymore. The choices now refresh underneath the button if you hover your mouse over it.

    2. HotaruFilth


      I know, but the choices are hidden behind "Search" and "Unread content" buttons, and I can't choose anything ><

  8. HotaruFilth

    Really curious about the live-distributed CDs.
  9. HotaruFilth

    Seems like that was a bad name for the band to choose. Btw they commented that they had had different music tastes from the very beginning and that's why they can't continue going the same way together.
  10. HotaruFilth

    omg why so fast
  11. The original tracks sounded really dark to me and i liked the atmosphere a lot. This remake album is way too different from "addle apple", all songs sound more positive and i definitely can see the light. I find it interesting. "damned" is just awesome. But still I would like them to play original ones live from time to time.
  12. HotaruFilth

    Here's mine: http://hotaru-yagami-filth.deviantart.com
  13. ↑ Mistook the icon and at first couldn't remember myself writing the comment above.
  14. Looks like Ikebukuro Chop. They could have done a little more effort for their first (?) PV xD But it's still ok.
  15. HotaruFilth

    ^ It's Frankfurt.
  16. HotaruFilth

    oh, another familiar face xD
  17. "deep snow burned away" will be available through zoisite soon.
  18. In their latest interview posted here Kazuma said that the word is originally Russian, but the pronunciation is English. I don't know the way Kazuma pronounces it, but aie definitely pronounces it as ギブキー (which is Russian pronunciation). Another funny thing they mentioned is that Kazuma wondered if they should use "gibkiy" 3 times or 5 times. But when he asked the members they decided to use 3 xD
  19. HotaruFilth

    ashes to ashes, dust to dust sample sounds not really interesting, but in fact it's the only song i liked when i had a chance to see them live. i wish the full version sounds the way i remember it. because i am waiting for this release to check this song only.
  20. It was. But they added some more and said that next sold-out would be final.
  21. Available through zoisite now. But this version is not deluxe and goes without photo&interview book, lyric cards and etc. Only CD.
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